Stolen time without consequence - LetoLeGaosaure (2024)

There was a man on X's bed.

X hovered next to the door, one hand still on the handle, wary. It was an intruder, not only in his personal room but also in the facility, as much as he could tell. The man wasn't an Agent, nor a Sephirah, and even if X would readily admit he didn't know every single Clerk in the building, that arrogant smirk didn't belong on a Clerk.

"Who are you?" he finally asked, seeing that the man was not providing anything.

(Except a very obvious ogling that had X covered in goosebumps.)

"Who I am," the man answered after a silence, "is of little importance. Though you might call me Adam," he added as if bestowing a precious gift on X.

X just stared, unimpressed.

"As for the reason of my presence," Adam went on as if he'd always planned on explaining himself, "let's say that it endeavors to be... a test."
"What kind of test?" X asked, tensing.

In this facility they did a whole lot of things that could qualify as "testing" in one way or another, and it was generally a good thing to be anywhere but where the testing took place.

"Nothing too dire, I assure you," Adam said, his smirk turning slightly predatory. "I've heard lots of things about you, Manager, and I'd like to see your worth for myself."

X knew, rationally, that what he should do was leave the room and yell at Angela (who was supposedly monitoring everything all the time) to call security. Or whatever they had that counted as security. But emotionally, he was stuck, effortlessly pinned into place by the weight of a single word.


Since he'd started working here, X had been judged a lot... and found lacking as often. Angela was the most polite about it, but it was still clear that she was unhappy with him for some reason. Malkuth, Yesod, Netzach, even Tiphereth whom he'd just met... they had all made it extremely clear that he was a failure. (Hod had been less judgmental, but considering she'd been too busy focusing on how she was perceived and had not emitted a positive judgment toward him even a single time... well, it was difficult to not round up the whole thing and say absolutely everyone so far found X worthless.)

And now, a stranger wanted to see X's worth? It was terrifying... but also a dangerous temptation.

(Maybe, at this point, X would have done way too many things for a scrap of validation.)

Still, X tried to keep at least a facade of rationality.

"You want to check my worth as a Manager, and you come after work hours? In my room?" he commented.
"Of course," Adam said. "After all, there is always more than one way to evaluate someone..."

X firmly told his heart to stop accelerating. This was all talk. There was no danger. (Except succumbing to the temptation of believing he could be judged worthy if he only went through whatever Adam had in mind.)

"Come here," Adam ordered.

X hesitated, but before he could consciously make a decision his body betrayed him; he felt his fingers leave the door handle as if in a dream, and found himself standing in front of Adam, nervous anticipation coiling in his stomach.

A spark of approval lit up in Adam's golden eyes. X hated how so small a reaction was enough to strangle him with a knot of complicated feelings.

"Now," Adam said, "I would like for you to pleasure me."

X blinked, thrown for a loop.

"You... what?"
"Isn't it clear?" Adam asked. "Bringing pleasure to someone is a task that requires both intense focus, good observation skills, and an ability to split your attention at will... so it shall make for a suitable way to determine your potential as a Manager, don't you agree?"

So... this stranger, in his room, on his bed, wanted to have sex. It sounded too good to be true. (Too good, because X had to admit, if only to himself, that Adam had a charisma that made his eccentric look work, and he was... yes, he was attractive.) (X blamed his crushing loneliness for how easily he was about to bend.)

"I think I asked you a question," Adam purred.

X couldn't answer. It was all... too much. (Not enough.)

Adam smirked, something self-satisfied and more than a little bit smug taking over his expression. He leaned back until he was lying down on the bed, his naked arm stretching above his head, never breaking eye contact with X, who felt a bit like an intruder even though this was his room, his bed.

"Come on," Adam said, low and mesmerizing, "don't deny how much you want this. Don't deny yourself."

X slowly climbed on the bed, Adam watching every one of his movements and making him self-conscious. Then he was on all four above Adam, and it felt... strangely unbalanced. Adam, with his otherworldly golden eyes and white hair fanning on the bedsheet, clothes that designated him as different, tattoos whispering of untold stories... Adam looked like royalty, and X felt every inch the worthless employee he'd been since he'd entered Lobotomy Corporation.

"Stop thinking," Adam ordered.

X tried. He was still tense, borderline panicking, as he lowered himself to press his lips against Adam's.

It was only a chaste kiss, and a clumsy one at that, but X caught himself moaning anyway, overwhelmed by the closeness. Adam's lips were warm, and soft, and... and he wasn't kissing back.

X went to put distance between them, but Adam's fingers caught the back of his head, slipping through his hair. X froze, barely far enough to actually look at Adam.

"I told you to pleasure me," Adam said, his breath caressing X's skin. "Believe me, you'll know if you try anything I don't want. So... do you really want to abandon already?"

Something in X broke. Maybe Adam would think it was the taunt that had gotten to him, but in truth it was just the implicit promise to have his full attention, and the growing hope that X could satisfy Adam.

He dove back for Adam's lips, and this time didn't let the lack of reaction deter him. He started hungry yet shy, before slowly getting more assured as Adam didn't push him away. He tried to lick his way into Adam's mouth, and Adam let him. X whimpered when their tongues touched, and Adam's loose grip on his hair tightened for a second.

When X had to come back up for air, Adam licked his lips, looking like he had won a contest only him knew about.

"You're pretty like this," he whispered to X, eyes hungry.

X wondered what he looked like. Probably desperate. Breathless, hair in disarray thanks to Adam's hand... But then, Adam was lying down under him, lips slightly pink and shining with saliva from their kissing, and the gold in his eyes noticeably eaten away by the black of his pupils.

f*ck. X wanted him, he wanted to be worthy of him, he– he wanted.

He let his full body press down on Adam, going back to kissing him, not trying to hide his erection. This time, Adam's grip on his hair didn't relax.

X blinked. He was in front of his office's door, which should feel normal, but somehow he felt... off.


Had the whole thing been a dream? It was not entirely impossible, but... X never remembered any dream. Actually, he never remembered anything at all outside of his workday. He'd figured it was just how things were done here, but now...

Was Adam real?

X took a steadying breath. He didn't have time for that line of questioning, not right now. He had a job to do, and he couldn't afford being distracted.

(Not being distracted was one of the hardest things he had to deal with that day.)

Adam was lounging on his bed, X kneeling next to him, a hand hovering between them, wanting to touch but not quite daring to. Adam stretched, a knowing grin on his (very tempting) lips.

X's fingers grazed Adam's open palm before pressing a bit more firmly against his skin, following the black ink that spiraled around his arm. It felt a bit like cheating, like stealing something X hadn't proved himself worthy of yet, but Adam was letting him, maybe goading him even, with the way his eyes never looked away.

X was beginning to appreciate the weight of that gaze, which only made him more nervous because it meant it would hurt to lose it.

His fingers reached cloth and hesitated, tracing circles on Adam's shoulder. He wanted to see more of him, touch more of him, but he didn't know if he was allowed.

"You were less shy the last time," Adam commented.

X tensed, feeling like a failure all over again, but Adam went on.

"It's just you and me and the promise of pleasure. There is nothing here that should stay your hand."

It was true. Adam had already made himself clear. His order had been impossible to misconstrue, and X just had to obey.

X's fingers went on mapping Adam's shoulder, but this time it was not doubt that gave him pause. His eyes were darting all over Adam, trying to determine the most efficient way to get him out of his unusual clothing.

Eventually, he tried his luck with the ribbon seemingly holding Adam's... robe (?) tight at the neck. The knot came undone easily, and Adam rewarded him with a satisfied smirk before pushing most of the cloth to the side so he wouldn't lie on it anymore. X grabbed the invitation before he could talk himself out of it and carefully pulled the whole thing up over Adam's head.

When the garment came off, X tried to gently put it aside, but froze midway, caught in the vision of Adam's hair covering even more surface than usual, and Adam's right arm taunting him with asymmetrical tattoos. He dropped the cloth, suddenly uncaring, and bowed low over Adam to bring his lips to the new skin offered to his sight. He kissed his way along the dark lines, slow and thorough, until he was back up to Adam's shoulder.

When X passed over the cloth still covering Adam's neck to press his next kiss on the underside of Adam's jaw, Adam moaned, low but impossible to miss.

X dove for his lips, hungry and not anxious anymore about Adam's passivity. It was X's job to bring pleasure to Adam, and he was more than happy to work for it. His hand slid behind Adam's neck, searching for a fastening. Undoing the button he found proved too hard a task one-handed, forcing him to break the kiss, move in a more stable position to free his second hand, and only then get rid of this stupid obstacle.

He looked at Adam for a few seconds. Even with less clothes, messier hair and well-kissed lips, Adam still radiated control.

X wanted to make him incoherent with pleasure.

As a test, he bowed down to kiss Adam's ear, waiting to see if he would be pushed away. When nothing came, X gently nipped at the side of the ear, before closing his lips around Adam's earring to carefully pull at it. Adam's breathing audibly hitched, which made X feel warm, both in pride and arousal.

He sat back to pull at Adam's top, Adam arching his back to help get the garment off, which X took as yet another sign that he was doing a good job. The cloth hid Adam's face for a second, then slid along his arms, highlighting his tattoos and tempting X to go back to worship them a bit more.

Then he looked at Adam's naked torso and forgot his arms.

The tattoos continued there, spiraling all over him and slipping under the waistband of his pants, drawing X's eyes to the obvious tenting.

"Stop overthinking," Adam said.
"I'm not," X denied, "I'm admiring."

There was a brief silence, then a chuckle.

"Just don't forget you're allowed to admire from up close, then..."

X just had to kiss Adam again, though he kept it short this time, carried by his desire to map Adam's torso as thoroughly as he'd done his arms.

It was actually harder to be slow now that his lips encountered not only warm skin but also the rise and fall of Adam's fast breathing. X tried his best, though. He followed the ink, letting his fingers play counterpoint by sliding down Adam's side, rib after rib. He kissed Adam's nipples, and licked, and sucked, stopping only when he couldn't take waiting anymore.

He went down, down, and felt Adam's muscles twitch in what he assumed was an effort to stay still. (Maybe he was wrong. He didn't care anymore. Adam was visibly satisfied enough with what he was doing, so he'd take all the hints as he pleased.) He mouthed at Adam's waistband, a hand exploring the other side of his body, searching for a way to open these pants. When he found the discreet zipper on the side he didn't wait to pull it open nor to push Adam's pants down and off.

Adam didn't wear any underwear.

It fitted him, somehow, like the white hair, like the black ink, like the gold following every one of X's moves. The tattoos gathered on Adam's hips before stopping, and X took great care of pressing his lips of every line before switching to Adam's knees and slowing working his way back up.

Kissing the inside of Adam's thighs had him shivering, and X felt light-headed at the implicit approval.

He didn't want to delay anymore.

X took slow, deep breaths, forehead pressed against the cold metal of the wall next to his office. He was way too warm, way too tense, and he didn't quite remember if Adam was supposed to be real or a dream. In any case, he couldn't afford the arousal clinging to him, so he tried to push it away.

(If it was a dream, he needed to stop waking up like this.)

X was sitting on Adam's lap, kissing him desperately while his fingers sought the button of his top buried under his gorgeous hair. He didn't remember taking off Adam's robe, but then he didn't remember losing his labcoat either. Adam was not really more active than usual, but the simple fact he was sitting and had his arms around X was impressively eager.

Considering how they were both erect, it was not a big stretch to think Adam was as frustrated as X by the lack of conclusion to their previous encounters.

It was terribly tempting to just rut against Adam, and X was almost certain he wouldn't have protested, but he still remembered their... "deal". He wanted Adam badly, sure, but he also wanted to prove himself worthy. So he forced himself to focus on everything but the contact of their erections and went on kissing Adam until he finally managed to open that damn button.

He broke the kiss just long enough to get rid of the garment, then went back to devouring Adam's mouth, one hand seeking his nipples and the other running down his spine.

(He wanted to see Adam's back. The tattoos were probably everywhere there too, and X was becoming addicted to following their guidance.)

To X's surprise, a firm pinch on Adam's nipple had Adam rolling his hips, Adam breaking the kiss.

"You sufficiently demonstrated your thoroughness already," Adam said, sounding regal despite being a bit out of breath. "Was it genuine or just a way to avoid going farther?"

There was an obvious challenge in Adam's eyes. Rather than attempt to answer verbally, X gently pushed Adam on his back, one hand still between his shoulderblades to smooth the movement. Adam didn't resist, and when his back hit the mattress X immediately pulled down the zipper of his pants before moving to kneel next to him and get rid of his last piece of clothing.

Seeing how hard Adam was made X's co*ck twitch a bit, a reminder of the fact he was still fully clothed and that it was quite uncomfortable, but he ignored it. Pleasuring Adam came first.

He pressed a careful finger at the base of Adam's co*ck, trailing it up slowly, wondering how he should go about it. For all his sincere eagerness, he couldn't remember any past experience, so this was all instinct and guesswork, and Adam deserved better than mindless attempts.

But then maybe he was already doing good, because when his finger reached Adam's slit it found the wetness of a drop of precum.

X bowed down to lick at it, partly because it seemed a good step forward, and partly because he just wanted to taste. (It was increasingly difficult to not indulge himself at least a little bit.) Adam's fingers slid through his hair, keeping him from moving away. Not that X intended to. He tried to brace himself a bit better on the bed to better control his movements, then took the tip of Adam's co*ck in his mouth.

Adam's hips rocked upward once before stilling. It felt intoxicating. It was proof that X was worthy.

Slowly, carefully, X took more of Adam's length inside his mouth. It was surprisingly addicting to feel that warmth, that hardness, these slight twitches, and know he was the one responsible. He couldn't take Adam's whole length (though he suspected that with a bit of training...) but he would make sure that didn't matter.

He tried bobbing his head a few times. Adam's grip on his hair tightened, which was all the encouragement he needed. Freeing a hand to stimulate the base of Adam's co*ck earned him a moan that almost sounded like a "yes". Then, experimentally, he pressed his tongue against Adam's co*ck, seeking a more sensitive place.

He didn't have time to find anything, because Adam came without warning, deep into his throat. X wanted to swallow, but he was just choking and had to pull off for air, feeling the last of Adam's seed land on his cheek as he coughed awkwardly.

When he managed to get his breathing back under control, he looked up at Adam. His smirk was a bit less incisive than usual, probably dulled by his org*sm. His eyes were still sharp and hungry, though.

"Couldn't swallow it all?" Adam taunted.

Without breaking eye contact, X sat up and wiped the cum on his cheek with his finger before licking it clean. Adam took a deep breath.

"Oh, if you want so bad to give me a show, I know perfectly what you could do..." Adam purred.

He gaze dropped to X's crotch. X hesitated, but only for a second. He went to open his shirt, but was cut by Adam.

"Keep the shirt on. Pants off."

X obeyed.

Kneeling on the bed like that, his erection painfully obvious against the black cloth of his shirt, he felt a bit self-conscious, but also too aroused to care. He took himself in hand and had to stifle a moan. He was so, so pent-up, he couldn't possibly last long. It didn't matter that his hand was a bit too dry for comfort, it was contact, and Adam's eyes drinking him in were more arousing than X would have thought.

Wings, he had barely started touching himself and he was already leaking precum, leaving obvious wet stains on his shirt where it was not sliding down his co*ck onto his fingers. He didn't know if the added lubrication was good or bad, because he wanted to satisfy Adam, but he was just going to...

"A... Adam..."
"What is it?" Adam grinned.
"I can't..."
"I want to see you come," Adam ordered.

X's hand immediately picked up speed and, as predicted, he didn't last long at all. Pleasure crashed on him, so intense he thought he'd pass out.

When he managed to get his brain back online, he had to open his eyes despite not remembering closing them. He was panting hard, bracing himself on the bed with one hand. Looking down showed two thick ropes of cum painting his shirt, white against black. He managed to straighten up his neck to look at Adam, and saw what was possibly the hungriest look he'd ever been at the receiving end of.

"You are," Adam said, "absolutely edible."

Then he tilted his head, carelessly throwing his hair back with a hand, and added:

"What about you prove me that you can swallow correctly when you put your mind to it?"

X blinked, still a little dazed, then realized that Adam was well on his way to being hard again. X lifted a hand, frowned at seeing it shaking a bit, then took a few deep breaths. Steady again.

Adam didn't need to ask him again, for he dove back for his co*ck enthusiastically.

(This time, X did swallow it all.)

Several (nights? dreams?) encounters later, X was getting pretty confident in his ability to take enough time worshiping Adam's body to get them both desperate, but not so much as to risk being left frustrated.

He was also able to fully take Adam's co*ck about one attempt out of two, and was determined to turn it into one hundred percent, because he was seriously getting off on hearing Adam's voice break when he did that.

But despite how much he enjoyed what they had, something was weighting on his mind more and more.

He'd seen the lube on the pillow. But Adam never asked, never ordered, and X was wondering if this was a test. Maybe Adam was waiting for him to make a move. And, truth be told... he wanted to take that risk. Masturbating under Adam's laser-focus gaze was intoxicating, but X was craving a more physical connection.

"Adam?" X tried from where he was nipping at Adam's thigh.

Adam managed to make a voice that was obviously lost in arousal sound like he was deliberately paying no mind to whatever X was doing. It was a full-blown talent, at this point.

"Can I..." X tried before trailing off. "I'd like..."
"Stop talking to my leg. Look at me and ask."

Of course. Adam couldn't make this easy on him.

X sat up and looked at Adam, who was smirking knowingly. X gulped, then decided to just go for it.

"Adam, can I ride you, please?"

For a few seconds, Adam looked shocked, then his grin broadened.

"Seeing how you've learned how to ask politely, I don't see why not."

And he placed the lube in X's hand as if it was a standard occurrence between them.

X was feeling a bit faint from a mix of arousal and nervousness, now, but he didn't want to back down. So he uncapped the lube, put some on his fingers and reached between his legs.

"Not like this," Adam cut him. "Turn around."

Oh. Oh, right. Adam liked to watch, on top of being served. Embarrassment threatening to swallow him whole, X turned around, spread his legs and bent forward before reaching for his asshole, trying to breathe through the anxiety of both act and position.

"Hmm, you've really learned how to give me the best view," Adam commented, appreciative smugness dripping from his every word.

X closed his eyes and pressed his face into the mattress, overwhelmed but still wanting more. He ran the tip of his finger around his hole, spreading lube and trying to brace himself for actual penetration.

He just needed to relax, which was easier said than done when he had no memory of ever doing this before, and he could all but feel the weight of Adam's gaze on him.

When he found the courage to push a finger in, he immediately froze, but not in pain. He was actually surprised at how easy this was, his body not disturbed at all by a single digit. Of course it felt weird, but there was no pain, no genuine resistance. It was just... awkward. Nothing more.

So he pressed on, this time relaxing for real. He soon felt confident enough to add a second finger, and while he did feel the stretch, it was still more than manageable.

The bed dipped a bit, and X imagined Adam had moved to get a better view. It was... part mortifying, and part insanely arousing.

X tried to focus on the task at hand. Push fingers in and spread lube. Breathe and relax. Scissor fingers. Breathe and relax. To be honest, the hardest part at this point was remembering to breathe. X wasn't tense anymore, and the movement was feeling nice. Not mind-blowing, but still, nice. But having Adam witness all of this was making him dizzy, an additional trial on its own.

After a while, X pulled his fingers out to pour more lube on them in hope of fitting a third one. He was clumsily grabbing the bottle when Adam's voice cut in, falsely casual.

"Are you still hard?"

X was sure Adam knew already. It was probably visible from where he was. But Adam wanted to hear him confirm, so he gathered what little air he could.

"Yes, Adam..."

Adam chuckled, but didn't comment. X pushed three fingers in his ass.

Now he could feel directly in his flesh why this kind of thing needed preparation. It was still not painful, but it felt like this was the upper limit his body would allow him. Not that it mattered. He would take Adam's co*ck anyway, ready or not, painful or not. (He knew he should be worried about his lack of care, but he ignored it instead.)

His patience run thin, he pulled his fingers out and straightened up to turn back toward Adam, who was propped up on his elbows and dropped his gaze to X's co*ck as if to check how truthful he had been. Heart beating wildly in anticipation, X hurried to spread lube on Adam's waiting co*ck, then straddled him.

He held Adam's co*ck in place, lowering himself slowly. For a few seconds, he wondered if he would have to force, to hurt himself, but then the tip slid inside him, hot and solid and so much better than his fingers.

X didn't stop, pushing all the way down, not fast but not particularly slow either, and when he sat directly on Adam's hips Adam let his head fall back on the bed, eyes shut close.

Oh, yes, X could get addicted to this. He loved sucking Adam's dick, but this was another form of closeness, of vulnerability, and maybe it was insane how much he had come to trust Adam to meet his vulnerability with approval when Adam was just a stranger, but...

Adam was looking at him again, and for a few seconds it seemed like X was the one being worshiped, and he would cherish it forever.

Spurred on by his desire to please Adam, X began to move. It was hesitant at first, as he tried to find his balance with this new position, but soon he could find a rhythm. He wasn't sure he could come just from this but he didn't care. That had never been the point, after all. (Or, at least, not the whole point.) If Adam was enjoying it –and X now knew him enough to read the evidence on his body– then it was enough.

Then Adam moved, and X's tentative rhythm was almost thrown off. It didn't seem much, but somehow it made Adam's co*ck reach farther enough that X could feel the difference... and it now rubbed against X's insides in a way that stole his breath. X tried to deliberately find that same angle again, and couldn't keep his voice down.

"Yes," Adam answered, panting, "call my name, worship me..."

X distantly heard himself whine, overwhelmed and unable to stop. Bouncing on Adam's co*ck, thighs trembling, pleasure blurring his vision, he still tried to obey despite his mind being close to shutting down.

"Adam... Adam! I– Ah!"

He came without being able to voice a warning.

His senses came back online when he felt Adam push his hips up, and despite the overstimulation X immediately went back to f*cking himself on Adam's co*ck.

It took less than ten seconds for Adam to come, X feeling each twitch of his co*ck as well as the cum being pumped inside him. Maybe that would have been enough to push X over the edge if he hadn't found how to stimulate his prostate before. As it was, it was still insanely hot, but also a sign that X could let his protesting muscles take a break.

For a moment, relative silence took over the room as both Adam and X fought to get enough oxygen. Of course Adam recovered first. Of course.

"You made a mess," he pointed out.

X blinked, still panting, still not entirely sure his brain was not fried forever. He was used enough to Adam to guess, though, so he looked down, and for sure, he'd come all over Adam's chest.

"Hmm," X acknowledged.
"Not going to do anything about it?"
"... when I can move..."

Adam laughed at that. Asshole. (X could feel the vibration up to Adam's softening dick, still in his ass. He really couldn't hold anything against Adam right now.)

Eventually X moved to lick his cum off Adam's skin, and maybe he made a bit of a show of it. And if Adam's appreciative and hungry gaze went straight to X's dick, well... they had all the night.

"Are you waiting for a direct order?" Adam asked, sounding vaguely bored despite his insistent erection.

X jumped and looked up from the bottle of lube he'd been turning in his hands.

"I... no. It's just... I've been wondering..."
"Full sentences," Adam ordered. "I know you can make them."

Right. X could do that. Surely.

"When you came here first, you asked me to pleasure you," X said.
"I did. And I have to give it to you, you proved yourself adequate."

X couldn't help the warmth that spread through him at the praise, even if it was a bit weak. He would have loved hearing more, having Adam shower him in compliments, but he wasn't oblivious to the fact it was just not Adam's style. He took each org*sm he gave Adam as praise, instead (but it was still extra nice to hear him voice it for once).

He tried to focus back on what he'd been attempting to ask.

"There's something I could do that I never offered, though," X said. "So... given how good I feel when you f*ck me–"

(It was generous to word it like Adam was the one doing any effort, but that wasn't the current point.)

"– I was wondering if you'd like me to f*ck you?" X finished.

Adam stared, for once left without a sharp answer.

"That's..." Adam started before trailing off.

He gazed at X thoughtfully. X tried not to fidget.

"Actually," Adam eventually said, "that's an intriguing proposal."
"Meaning...?" X asked.
"That I'm open to try."

Then Adam grinned.

"It can't be said that you're anything but thorough when it comes to pleasuring me, wanting to try absolutely everything like that..."

Usually X would have taken that as a taunt, but maybe in that case it was more of a teasing. Maybe.

Before X could convince himself that this was really happening, Adam threw him a pointed look and spread his legs. X gulped, but came closer, and of course he had to carefully push Adam's legs more open to actually fit between them. (It's not like Adam had ever let him avoid doing at least a major part of the work.)

X lubed his fingers and began massaging the muscle of Adam's hole. To his surprise, he felt Adam slowly relax, which meant Adam had been nervous to start with. For some reason X hadn't even considered that Adam could get nervous. For anything. But for now X was helping him feel better, and that was the only important thing, so he filled that knowledge away and focused.

When he pushed a first finger inside, he went slower than he had for himself the first time, looking at Adam's face, trying to gauge his reaction. Adam seemed mostly unconvinced, which was probably good. After all, X hadn't been that sold on it at first either, so it seemed to be part of the normal process.

X moved his finger inside and out, trying different angles. He knew what he hoped to find, but it was not exactly obvious with his lack of experience. Adam was back to looking bored, but he was still very much aroused, so X wasn't worried.

That changed in a blink of an eye when Adam's full body tensed. X froze, not even daring to pull his finger out because with how Adam was clenching around him he feared it would hurt.

"Adam, is everything–"
"Fine," Adam cut, breathless. "I'm fine. I'm... surprised."

X waited for him to elaborate, in vain. Adam relaxed quite fast, though, so it was probably alright, but still...

"Did I ask you to stop?" Adam said.

Wait a minute.

X pressed again on the same exact spot; this time Adam's reaction was a bit less extreme, but he did bit his lip as if to avoid making a sound he'd regret.

Well. X didn't even know why he was surprised that Adam would make him almost panic over finding his prostate. Clear communication was for lesser beings, or something along these lines.

Reassured, X went on opening Adam, coming back to brush against his prostate regularly but aiming to not overwhelm him. Though maybe that was already a lot, because for once Adam's eyes were staying closed instead of taunting X all along.

When X eventually pulled all his fingers out, Adam was prompt to open his eyes to glare. X managed to speak before him, though.

"Do you want me to go on with my fingers or to use my co*ck?"

Adam rolled his eyes, but his expression smoothed.

"f*ck me," he said like if he was giving a blessing.

X lubed his co*ck, aligned himself and slowly pushed in. And realized he hadn't considered one aspect of this whole deal.

It was the first time Adam was penetrated, yes, but it also meant that it was the very first time that X was penetrating. So far nothing but his hand had touched his dick, and now he was fighting very, very hard to not come on the spot.

Adam, of course, caught on immediately.

"You better not come before I do," he ordered after X had spent a handful of seconds just staring at his shoulder without moving.
"I'll... try..." X said.
"No, you'll just do it. You've been doing such a good job of pleasuring me so far, you're not going to fail now?"

X whined.

"What?" Adam asked.
"Adam, I could probably come untouched just from you praising me, so you're really not helping!"

There was a silence.

"I was more trying to appeal to your sense of pride, but alright," Adam said.
"Just... give me a moment."

Blessedly, Adam waited for X to recover a semblance of control.

It was probably a weird moment for that, but... X was afraid. Not of hurting Adam (that was important, but he was confident he'd already done everything necessary on that front), but of disappointing him. "I'd like to see your worth," Adam had said, and even though he rarely told him, he still showed him that he was satisfied.

X didn't know if he could bear losing his worth in Adam's eyes.

What he did know, though, was that freaking out now would not help. He needed to get his head back in the game, if possible before Adam genuinely got bored.

X took a deep breath, then tried to rock his hips and almost swore when pleasure shoot up his spine.

"You feel way too good, that's unfair," he told Adam.

Adam chuckled (which didn't help a bit).

"Consider this as the ultimate challenge, then," Adam suggested. "If you manage to focus on my pleasure through this terribly unfair difficulty, you'll have proven yourself for sure."

It shouldn't have been so motivating, but it was. Keeping his own pleasure from spiraling out of control was still one of the hardest things he'd ever done, but he refused to fail. He pulled off, pushed back in, and slowly but surely searched for the angle that would make Adam see stars.

(He had to let go of Adam's hips to cling to the blanket instead when he realized his nails were digging into his skin.)

"You moved with more enthusiasm when you were riding me," Adam commented.

X threw him the darkest glare he could manage, which was currently not much. But alright. Adam wanted it harder? X was bound to provide.

He clenched his teeth and began f*cking Adam in earnest, shaking from the effort to keep his own org*sm at bay.

"This is more like it," Adam grinned. "I knew you–"

His sentence devolved into an obscene moan, his expression falling into shocked pleasure. The mix of arousal and victory that resulted from this loss of control was a heady feeling, and despite everything X found himself smiling through his panting.

He did everything in his power to continue hitting the right spot as he moved. Adam didn't moan again, but he did close his eyes and throw his head back, full body looking ready to snap.

Then he came without warning, clenching hard around X's co*ck, and X couldn't restrain himself anymore, the delicious pressure enough to push him over the edge.

When his head stopped spinning from the overload of pleasure, X found himself lying half on top of Adam. He didn't remember letting himself fall and hoped it hadn't been too harsh on Adam. Though X would probably have been kicked off the bed altogether already if Adam had been pissed, so there was that.

"I have to admit this was an insightful experiment," Adam said after a while.
"But as any scientist knows, results need to be replicable to have any value..."

X weakly pushed himself up enough to look at Adam. He was grinning widely, but... this was no joke. He was amused, yes, but he was also dead serious.

"I've created a monster..." X said.
"Please. I was above humanity from the start."

Even if it took some time for X to find back his strength, it turned out the results were extremely replicable.

This was it. Adam would deny it to his dying breath, but he was nervous and excited. After a long, long, and so boring wait, this X had finally managed to open Architecture... and today he would enter Adam's realm.

Adam had not been very confident this X would be the one, at first, but he had persevered through numerous memory repositories, and now he was finally here. He'd enter at any second, and Adam could be freed from this place at last, moving toward bringing this newfound freedom to the whole of humanity.

This day would mark a new beginning.

X entered the room, his eyes taking in the chaos surrounding them before stopping on Adam. Adam smiled and launched into the speech he had rehearsed so many times he could recite it in his sleep. X's face didn't betray any reaction as he listened, his expression unusually blank, but Adam didn't let it deter him.

"Now, speak my name," he went on.
"Adam," X said, sounding seriously unimpressed.

That wasn't part of Adam's script.

X wasn't supposed to know. He– did he–

"I don't even want to hear more," X continued. "You already made your point, as far as I'm concerned. Will you let me pass through or are you planning to force my hand?"
"I plan to have you join me in liberating humanity from its shackles," Adam affirmed, trying to hide how thrown off he felt.

X shook his head.

"I'm not going to join you, but I'm also not going to let you throw more obstacles in my way."

X smiled, and for a second Adam saw a glimpse of himself in his eyes.

"After all, you've spent the last few months training me in how to distract you... How perfectly fitting."

Part of Adam wanted to protest that it hadn't been quite so long, and that X wasn't supposed to remember any of it, but it wasn't quite impactful enough, and before he could come up with a truly witty answer X was on him, a hand on his shoulder and the other behind his head, kissing him passionately.

Adam had really forged his own demise... but right now he couldn't even bring himself to care, captive under the power of X's clever touch.

Stolen time without consequence - LetoLeGaosaure (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.