The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Fire Fighters Elect Palumbo NEW YORK (AP) Fireman Frank A. Palumbo, vice president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, has been elected secretary treasurer of the parent union, the International Association of Fire Fighters, the UFA announced Friday. Congressional Race Congressional Race WASHINGTON (UPI) Sen. Alan Cranston, D- and Rep. Goodloe E.

Byron, raced Friday with members of the U.S. Olympic track and field team which is assembled here prior to taking off for Munich. Sen. Cranston is a member of the U.S. Masters International Track Team and is departing for Europe, where he will be running in international comF petition.

From left are Francie Larrieu, Sunnyvale, Barbara Ferrell, Los Angeles; Francie Kraker, Wellesley, Sen. Cranston; Martha Watson, Long Beach, Doris Brown, Seattle, and Rep. Byron. The Union Prize Puzzle No. 948 'CHol INNER ECENT A 'c "BEA A 16 A 18 ISH TI Is 'S 21 HI EA EG 'SP 0 MAIL ENTRIES (8 CENT STAMP) TO: P.

0. BOX 3100, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 01101 NAME ADDRESS A CITY or TOWN HERE'S HOW TO PLAY IT: Around the Nation Allows Filming ROCKLAND, Maine (UPI) A temporary injunction banning a New York film company from filming the Christina Olson farm, made famous by painter Andrew Wyeth, was lifted Friday. Superior Court Justice Harold Ruben ruled that the Levine Foundation, which owns the farm in Cashing, Maine, could control filming inside the house but that it did not have the right to prevent filming of the farm from the adjoining property. Fusion Films of Garrison, N.Y., is filming an educational movie on the life of Christina Olson, who was the subject of many Wyeth paintings, She died four years ago and the farm is now a museum.

Firebug Bites N.Y. Stores Special to The Union NEW YORK Six fires erupted in and specialty chain stores in midtown Thursday night and early Friday, and fire investigators said they were caused incendiary devices ping pong balls flammable liquids. The Puerto Rican Revolutionary one of a number of Puerto Rican and that staged a demonstration outside Nations Friday in support of Puerto dependence. Fire marshals and police detectives was no apparent connection between the an anonymous caller who identified Puerto Rican revolutionary. They the motive of the arsonist or arsonists was New York Times Service $3400 money fast.

Do the Union Prize Crossword puzzle in Saturday's Union. We make it easy for you. Thursday and Friday editions of the Union have the cluewords for the puzzle. All the answers are right there you just choose the words that best fit the puzzle clues. It doesn't take much time.

Easy? So easy that it is almost a giveaway. Finish the puzzle, fill out the entry. blank and mail it The Union. Then grab a seat, a tall, drink and wait for the winner to be announced. If it's you, you win $3400 which is not bad pay for completing the Union's Prize Crossword puzzle.

The prize money will buy over 3,000,000 million pieces of bubble gum; enough to keep you chewing for at least 10 years. If you win, you can eat steak every day for a year, and wash it down with champagne for a year. Try the puzzle and grab the prize, it is so easy it would be sinful not to. Correct Solution NO. 947 MAP CORN A I TAILING DAMP ARID I MOCK LEGS BEAR 0 REST WARY '5 SAILOR WOODEN A TY NORMAL For Correct Answer to Puzzle NO.

948 Make yourself some fast Explanation of More Difficult Clues CLUES DOWN 2. PRAYING not playing. By PRAYING often, a man may be hoping to "get better" (i.e., recover from some sickness or injury). If "get better" means to improve one's game, the clue calls for "practicing" rather than a player keen to improve does not rely simply on playing. 3.

CALL not calm. The clue favors that which, given "occasion," a nurse can simply go ahead and do. She can CALL a patient easily enough, but i it may well be a case of trying to calm hint. 4. RINK not ring.

One expects a boxer to be knocked down occasionally; hence, "if he's been" (rather than simply suits the case of a skater in collision on the RINK. Also, as the clue hints, the skater's instinct would he to rise immediately (which act take him a few A boxer may well choose to stay down for a few scconds. 5. DETAILED not retailed. Scandal, which is repeated unnecessarily, "may be unnecessarily DETAILED" in the sense that more detail is provided than is required 'Declare It a Colony' Around the World Britain Aids Expelled Asians Special to The Union LONDON Robert Carr, the Home Secretary, announced Friday that the government was setting up a board to help resettle the Asians with British passports who are being expelled from Uganda.

Carr said a prime responsibility of the new board would be "to ensure that the transfer of the passport holders does not impose an excessive strain on community relations or on housing, schools and other facilities." At the same time, he made it clear that the newcomers will have "total freedom" to settle where they wish. He said the government would use "persuasion, but not direction" to steer them to those few communities in Britain that have vacant housing and empty school seats. The exact number of immigrants Britain will have to absorb is not known but the figure could be as high as 50,000. 11 Die in Mexican Mishap MEXICO CITY (P) and 35 others were passenger bus overturned Puebla highway about capital, Mexican highway 15 Flee Swedish A Prison STOCKHOLM (UPI) Fifteen dangerous criminals, including two Croatian killers of Yugoslavia's Stockholm Ambassador, escaped Friday from the fortress-like Kumla maximum security prison in southern Sweden. Police following them along a trail of stolen cars said they feared most cf them headed for Stockholm, and organized a Yugoslavia's Stockholm nation- -wide manhunt.

Yugoslavia's Stockholm embassy immediately was put under increased police guard. "We don't know how the escape was organized. They may have. been helped by one of the guards," a police spokesman said. The jailbreakers left the maximum security block of Kumla prison shortly after 3 a.m.

(10 p.m. EDT Thursday) even though they were supposed to be under constant supervision. They used a makeshift ladder, made of furniture, to scale 23-foot prison wall, then fled across the barren, spotlit plain surrounding the huge building. "These men arc PXperienced criminals, experts at bank robberies and safcbreaking. We can expect a wave of such crimes if they are allowed to reach Stockholm," said Esbjoern Esbjoernsson of the Police Board.

Miro Baresic, 21, and Andjelko Brajkovic, 23, were sentenced to life in prison the shooting death of Ambassador Vladimir Rolovic in the Yugoslav embassy Apr. 7, 1971. At their trial, the two Croats, members of the rightwing Ustasha movement, said they had planned to kidnap Rolovic to win freedom for nine Croats imprisoned in Belgrade, but killed the ambassador when he fought back. Police. also said they were anxious to track down the Croats for their own sake.

The late ambassador was a Serb, the other large ethnic group in Yugoslavia, and Serbs in Sweden threatened to revenge him when Baresic and Brajkovic were tried last year. There are about 50,000 Yugoslavs in Sweden, many of them Croatians. Yugoslav officials in Belgrade and the Special Branch of Sweden's police force say Sweden is a strong-point for the Ustashi, an anti-Communist movement fighting for Croatian independence from the Tito government in Belgrade. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Pi China and the Soviet Union, in a rare show of unanimity, demanded Friday that Puerto Rico be classified as a colony, 01 of the United States.

Puerto Rican extremists demonstrated outside the UN buildings shouting "Yank-; ees Get Out" as a UN Committee debated the The UN Special Committee on Colonialism adjourned Friday evening without a vote on the sues proposal, submitted by Cuba, that Puerto Rico be listed among territories to which the U.N. declaration against colonialism is applicable. No date was' set for a resumption of the debate. 2 Honest Lady! It's Isit MUNICH (UPI) Honest lady this is the mascot of the American Olympic boxing team and his name is says U. S.

boxer Jesse Valdez as he walks his make believe dog through the Munich airport shortly after the boxing team arrived for the 1972 Olympics. four variety Manhattan late police and by identical filled. with Movement was Cuban groups the United Rican in- said there fires and herself as a emphasized that unknown. SOLVE the clues just as you would any other crossword puzzle. CHOOSE from each printed clue the word that BEST fits the clue definition.

WRITE the answers in the blank spaces provided in each Prize Crossword until all have been filled in. SUBMIT your answers to PRIZE CROSSWORD, in care of The Springfield Union, P.O. Box 3100, Springfield, Mass. YOU MUST cut your answers along the outer heavy line. CLUES ACROSS his secretary to be 3.

As performed, may not 24. Boy's name, in short. be quite what the com- 25. The type of person who poser intended. wildly may just not 7.

Criticism of one is likely listen to reason. to be resented in some CLUES DOWN quarters. 1. As far a as the public is 8. Could be the focal point concerned, a is as of interest in a land- safe as can be expected.

scape. 2. A repair man who's 9. Thanks to a raise, to do a good job inspires a man may be a good confidence. deal better off.

4. Preliminary race. 11. When moving, there are 5. Kept possession of.

things it is wise to 6. Such music means with care. nothing to an unmusical 14. An animal. person.

15. One way for a man to 10. Used for cushions. get a off his mind 12. Pots and pans can easily is to pay his debts.

make one in the kitchen. 16. Official mark. 13. If the neighbors are 18.

It should be easy enough making too much noise, to clean. on the party wall 19. Useful picces of in. may have no effect at ail. formation.

17. that suit some people 22. If a doddering old man would not be acceptable badly, it's hardly to others. surprising. 20.

Not different. 23. It's entirely reasonable 21. A may be badly for a businessman to like worn, of course. for the conveyance of the CLUES ACROSS story.

6. CLIPPERS not flippers. CLIPPERS, as ships, are associated with the sea. Flippers is less directly apt: flippers (which hardly need to be "of a certain are associated with sea creatures whales, seals, etc. 9.

CALLOW not sallow. CALLOW is the stronger answer. A normal, confident youth will hardly be bothered about being "somewhat sallow." 12. VICE not vile. Since rackets are inherently vile, this word adds little to the sense of the clue.

VICE is more contributive. Eleven persons were killed injured Thursday when a in a curve on the Mexico 26 miles southeast of the police reported. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION TODAY IN HISTORY 2 Springfield, Saturday, August 19, 1972 By The Associated Press In 1955, the worst flood in the Today is Saturday, Aug. 19, the history of the northeastern United States 232nd day of 1972. There are 134 days took 200 lives in Connecticut and nine left in the year.

other states. Today's highlight in history: Ten, years ago a Soviet troop bus On this date in 1934, Germans voted in West Berlin was stoned by German for Adolf Hitler as a successor to demonstrators. President Paul Von Hindenburg. Five years ago there was a On this date: dispute i in Washington over the meaning In 1692, a clergyman and five of the 1964 Tonkin Bay resolution giving women convicted of witchcraft were the White House wide authority in its executed in Salem, Mass. Vietnam policy.

In 1812, the U.S. frigate Constitution One year ago. Duong Van known as "Old Ironsides" defeated Minh withdrew: from presidential a British frigate in a battle in the North elections in South Vietnam, Atlantic. Nguyen Van Thieu unopposed. In 1890, the Daughters of the Today's birthdays: Jockey Willie American Revolution was organized.

Shoemaker is 41; movie actress Marie In 1940, in World War II, Italian Wilson is 56. 4. forces conquered British Somaliland. Thought for today: The man who In 1942, the World War II, Canadian is busy with public matters cannot be commandos staged a costly raid on Nazi bothered with spelling Napoleon forces stationed in Dieppe, France. Bonaparte, 1769 1821.

Fischer Edges Closer To World Chess Title chess title he has eyed for nearly 20 years with a draw Friday in the resumed 15th game against Boris Spassky, the world champion. 30 Seconds The draw came less than 30 seconds after play resumed in the game that was adjourned Thursday after 40 moves. The U.S. challenger now leads the Soviet champion, 9-6, and needs only more points to take the title. As champion, Spassky needs six more points to keep his crown.

Fischer played for a draw, which is a half point, instead of the point for a win. Some experts expressed belief he might have found a way to win the match. Spassky was in check when the game adjourned Thursday. His next move. sealed and opened Friday by referee Lothar Schmid, moved him out of check.

Fischer twice more gave check. After his 43rd move, Fischer gave Spassky his hand. The champion, though badly in need of a win to bolster his sagging chances, accepted it. Fischer raced away, Spassky remained seated at the board, fiddling with the picces, his eight white ones and the six black ones of Fischer. Crestfallen Schmid walked across and escorted the crestfallen champion away.

Spassky, whose last win was in the 11th game, had 2 REYKJAVIK, Iceland half a point nearer the world (AP) Bobby Fischer edged Fischer Puzzle Rules Entries must be made crossword puzzie style. They may be made the form printed here for your con venience or on a reasonable facsimile of the SAME SIZE. Any person may enter many solutions as he wishes on forms clipped from The Union not more than five facsimiles. similes, if used must be hand drawn. Solutions eat red On facsimile forms made by any duplicating process will not be accepted.

Forms with more than one letter in cach square wit not de accepted. Entries must be mailed and postmarked by midnight next Tuesday, mail them to Prize Crossword P. 0. Box 3100, Springfield, Mass. 01101.

USE at least CENTS POSTAGE. Entries mailed with insufficient postage will not be accepted. A cash prize of $100 will Ge paid for the correct solution. If more than one correct solution is received the prize will be equally divided among the winners If no correct solution. is received by The Union this week's prize will be added to the award for next week': contest.

Late mutilated or illegible entries are not eligible and will not be con. sidered The contest manager's determination as to late, mutilated of illegi-le entries and as to entries which are lost or not received shall be final and binding. Entries are limited to The Union's main circulation area, which includes Massachusetts, from the Brookfields west; Connecticut from Hartford north and from Willington on the cast to the New York state line on the west. Vermont and New Hampshire. In this area any bono fide resident may enter excep: employees of The Springfield Newspapers and members of their families.

REMEMBER: There is only officially correct solution. The correct solution to each puzzie shall be deter nined that by the contest manager. Only solution can win. The decision of the contest manager shall be final and conclusive. To become entitled to receive cash prize and to establish reliance, cach winner shall, if required, sign and deliver to The Sprinafield Union an affidavit certifying (A) that the submiter effort and answers have not are been his or obtained her from any source whatsoever outside the that or she had not acted for or contestant's immediate family and (B) in conjunction or cooperating with any person not eligible under the rules compete in this contest.

Responsibility of The Springfield Union will terminate with the of prizes. Winners agree to allow the use of their names and pictures by Tine Union for trade or advertising purposes. Winners and the correct solution will be announced in The Springfield Union next Saturday. Because of storage SPaCE limitations, entries to this Saturday's Puzzle will be destroyed week from next Tuesday. All writing request- for a recheck.

must be in and include a photostat th original entry and be received by. the contest manager by a week. from next Monday by registered mail. Only entries that comply with these rules are eligible for teh prize: entries that do not comply with these rules cannot win. you his idea (without wanting to persuade you to "buy" it), why not simply let him do so? 8.

TAILING not failing. "Realizing that suggests a fact not directly obvious, favoring TAILING rather than failing. Also, the idea of anger suits TAILING; one resents being TAILED, but may be disappointed, rather, when failed. 13. MILK not mink.

MILK, to most people, brings the cow to mind. In its primary meaning, a mink is a particular animal. 15. BEAR not hear. Things for which one "must be prepared" are of a more or less burdensome nature, favoring BEAR.

A referee simply expects (rather than "must be to hear a certain amount of criticism. 16. REST not jest. Nervous tension can make a man RESTless, of course: but, by nature, he may be disinclined to jest at any time. 17.

WARY not warm. 'The boy "may feel that the animal is WARY" (i.e., he may get the impression that the cat is tense, not relaxed and trusting). He simply feels the animal's warmth, rather than feels "that it is warm." 23. WOODEN not woolen. For woolen, "knit" would be more suitable than the word "make" in the clue.

One can imagine a man making a chest, for example; but a woman would be said to be knitting a scarf. 24. NORMAL not formal. You can hardy give offense by acting in a NORMAL manner (i.e., that which is to be expected in the circ*mstances). Formal behavior will be resented if considered overly standoffish.

Hr r. 5 .1 4' 3 Spanaky (United Press International' Telephoto) Bobby. Fischer offered a draw Friday in the 15th game of the World Chess Championship. Boris Spassky immediately accepted. This is how the board looked at.

the completion of play. high hopes in the early stages of Thursday's play of crushing Fischer in the 15th. Opening aggressively with his king's pawn. he thrust back the challenger's Sicilian Defense convincingly. But Fischer weaved a cunning web of counterplay.

Seeking a win, Spassky played recklessly, in an effort to avoid a draw. He gobbled a pawn, and lost position. Fischer gave him check, time and again. In Sunday's 16th game, Fischer will have the advantage of the white Spassky told the Associated Press the crucial point of the 21-game match would for him at the 16th But no world title series has? seen A three-point games: deficit made up in only gaines. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION Telephone 787-2411 Published daily except Sunday at 1860 Main Street, Springfield, Mass.

01101. Second class postage is paid al Springfield, Mass. 01101. Single copy: ten cents. Home delivered by carriers 60 cents weekly.

By mail, to any U.S. Post Office (payable in advance): one year half year $20.20, one quarter $10.35, one month $3.55. 1. MAP not cap or nap. If tired, a hiker feels the need for a rest, rather than a short sleep (i.c., nap) specifically.

Similarly, if he wants something to cover his head or to shade his eyes, it needn't be a cap. Nothing else has the same utility as a MAP. 3. CORN not corm. As a plant, CORN "reproduces" in the ordinary sense of multiplying Itself.

A corm is merely a means of plant reproduction. 7. SELL not tell. SELL links up better with the clue's idea of persistent effort. If the man wishes merely to tell da.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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