Publications on financial history 2005 (2024)

Publications on financial history 2005 (1) · Publications on financial history 2005 (2)

Видання: Financial History Review, 2007, №2, с.229-285

Видавець: Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Автор: Serge Noiret


This bibliography covers publications that appeared during 2005 and 2004 when they were not known before the deadline of last year's bibliography. In that case the year of publication is mentioned in the citation.

Список літератури

  1. Oats, Distinguishing closely held companies for taxation purposes: the Australian experience 1930–1972, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/1, с. 35
  2. Keneley, Control of the Australian life insurance industry: an example of regulatory externalities within the Australian financial sector 1870–1945, Australian Economic History Rev, № 451, с. 1
  3. Boyce, “In spite of Tooley Street, Montagu Norman, and the reserve bank's governor”: recolonization or the eclipse of colonial financial ties with Britain in the 1930s?, New Zealand J. of History, № 39/1
  4. Bakir, The exoteric politics of bank mergers in Australia, Australian J. of Politics and History, № 51/2, с. 235
  5. Zaccaria, L'oro dell'Eritrea, 1897–1914, Africa, № 60/1, с. 65
  6. Van der Heyden, Wir haben Spuren hinterlassen!
  7. Nzenguet, Colonisation, fiscalité et mutations au Gabon, 1910–1947
  8. Deveau, L'or et les esclaves: histoire des forts du Ghana du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle
  9. Vahed, Passengers, partnerships, and promissory notes: Gujarati traders in colonial Natal, 1870–1920, International J. of African Historical Studies, № 38/3, с. 449
  10. Mokoena, South African consumer price inflation in a historical and global context, South African J. of Economic History, № 20/1, с. 109
  11. Gidlow, South African gold sales policies during the 1980s, South African J. of Economic History, № 20/1, с. 1
  12. Funnell, Accounting on the frontline: cost accounting, military efficiency and the South African war, Accounting and Business Research, № 35/4, с. 307
  13. Gordon, Growth without capital: a renascent fishery in Zambia and Katanga, 1960s to recent times, J. of Southern African Studies, № 31/3, с. 495
  14. Cresti, Scambi e commerci tra la Libia mediterranea e l'Africa subsahariana secondo i documenti europei (XVIII - metà XIX secolo), Africa, № 60/1, с. 115
  15. Rivarola Paoli, La Real Hacienda: la fiscalidad colonial, siglos XVI al XIX.
  16. Higman, Plantation Jamaica, 1750–1850: capital and control in a colonial economy
    Publications on financial history 2005 (3)
  17. Gavira Marquez, Produccion de plata en el mineral de San Agustin de Huantajaya (Chile) 1750 –1804, Chungara, № 37/1, с. 37
  18. Craigwell, Financial innovation and efficiency in the Barbadian banking industry, Money-affairs, № 18/2, с. 83
  19. Bakre, First attempt at localising imperial accountancy: the case of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica (ICAJ) (1950s-1970s, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, № 16/8, с. 995
  20. Weber, La conexión alemana: el lavado del dinero nazi en Argentina
  21. Hora, Del comercio a la tierra y mas alla: los negocios de Juan Jose y Nicolas de Anchorena (1810–1856)', Desarrollo Económico, № 44/176, с. 567
  22. Halperín Donghi, Guerra y finanzas en los orígines del Estado argentino (1791–185
  23. Curia, Macroeconomía del desarrollo: ensayos sobre política monetaria y cambiaria e inflación en Argentina
  24. Brunet, Modelo de valorizacion financiera (Argentina, 1976–2001), Sistema, № 188, с. 97
  25. Bragoni, Mercados, monedas y credito a la luz del funcionamiento de una entidad bancaria (Mendoza, 1866–1879), Desarrollo economico, № 44/177, с. 55
  26. Marchán R, Historia del Banco Central del Ecuador: de banco de gobierno a banco emisor y vuelta al pasado (1927–2000)
  27. Villela, Política tarifária no II reinado: evoluçao e impactos, 1850–1889, Nova economia. Rev. do departamento de ciências econômicas da universidade federal de Minas Gerais, № 15/1, с. 35
  28. Hanley, Native capital: financial institutions and economic development in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1850–1920
    Publications on financial history 2005 (4)
  29. Aldrighi, Financing pioneering railways in Sao Paulo: the idiosyncratic case of the Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana (1872–1919), Estudos Economicos, № 35/1, с. 133
  30. Villar, Flujos de capital privado en Colombia 1970–2005, Coyuntura economica, № 35/2, с. 159
  31. Urrutia, Cambio en los instrumentos de politica monetaria, Coyuntura economica, № 35/2, с. 93
  32. Renteria-R, El presupuesto de 1970 y el presupuesto de 2005: evidencia de decisiones economicas y fiscales de los ultimos 35 anos, Coyuntura economica, № 35/2, с. 135
  33. Caballero, Las crisis financieras del ultimo cuarto del siglo XX, Coyuntura economica, № 35/2, с. 195
  34. Gruen, The evolution of fiscal policy in Australia, Oxford Rev. of Economic Policy, № 21/4, с. 618
  35. Barriga del Diestro, La moneda que vio nacer, crecer y morir a Colombia 1813–1836, Boletín de Historia y Antigüedades, № 92/831, с. 809
  36. Alacevich, Post-war economic policies for development: Lauchlin B. Currie and the World Bank in Colombia, Storia del pensiero economico, № 34/1, с. 73
  37. Turrent-Diaz, Las tres etapas de la autonomia del banco central en Mexico, Analisis Economico, № 20/43, с. 47
  38. Rodríguez, La nostalgia y la modernidad, empresarios y empresas regionales en México, siglos XIX y XX
  39. Riguzzi, Sistema financiero, banca privada y credito agricola en Mexico, 1897–1913: un desencuentro anunciado?, Mexican Studies, № 21/2, с. 333
  40. Miranda, El tributo indígena en la Nueva España durante el siglo XVI
  41. Sigala Venegas, La rentabilidad del negocio azucarero en Venezuela. el caso de los precios y los productores del rio turbio, Rev. de Indias, № 65/233, с. 271
  42. Marichal, Influences françaises sur la formation de la Banque Mexicaine: le Banco Nacional de México, 1884–1914, Economies et Sociétés, № 31, с. 1097
  43. Huybens, Financial market discipline in early-twentieth-century Mexico, J. of Economic History, № 65/3, с. 757
  44. Del Angel-Mobarak, Cuando el Estado se hizo banquero: consecuencias de la nacionalización bancaria en México
  45. Blázquez Domínguez, La sucursal del Banco Mercantil de Veracruz en Xalapa, 1904–1910
  46. Bátiz Vázquez, El archivo historico Banamex: su genesis, América Latina en la Historia Económica. Boletín de Fuentes, № 23, с. 95
  47. Neiburg, Inflacion y crisis nacional. culturas economicas y espacios publicos en la Argentina y Brasil, Anuario de Estudios Americanos, № 62/1, с. 113
  48. Eltis, Slave prices, the African slave trade, and productivity in the Caribbean, 1674–1807, Economic History Rev., № 58/4, с. 673
  49. Zelenak, Tax or welfare? The administration of the earned income tax credit, UCLA Law Rev., № 52/6, с. 1867
  50. Twyman, Solomon's treasure: the magic and mystery of America's money
  51. Lindsey, The reform of October 1979: how it happened and why
  52. Light, Job mobility and wage growth: evidence from the NLSY79, Monthly Labor Rev., № 128/2, с. 33
  53. Leyden, Adequacy, accountability, and the future of public education funding
  54. Jensen, A legislative history of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, American Bankruptcy Law J., № 79/3, с. 485
  55. Higgs, 900, № 12, с. 67
  56. Garrison, The new income tax scandal: how Congress hijacked the sixteenth amendment
  57. Fraser, Every man a speculator: a history of Wall Street in American life
  58. Cogley, Drifts and volatilities: monetary policies and outcomes in the post WWII US, Rev. of Economic Dynamics, № 8/2, с. 262
  59. Cogley, The conquest of US inflation: learning and robustness to model uncertainty, Rev. of Economic Dynamics, № 8/2, с. 528
  60. Bank, Business tax stories
  61. Bank, Business tax stories
  62. Avi-Yonah, Business tax stories
  63. Askew, Race, ethnicity, and wage inequality among women: what happened in the 1990s and early 21st century?, American Behavioral Scientist, № 48/9, с. 1275
  64. Aitken, “A direct personal stake”: cultural economy, mass investment and the New York Stock Exchange, Rev. of International Political Economy, № 12/2, с. 334
  65. Aho, Confession and bookkeeping: the religious, moral, and rhetorical roots of modern accounting
  66. Wright, The US national debt, 1787–1900
  67. Wicker, The great debate on banking reform: Nelson Aldrich and the origins of the Fed.
  68. Weber, Were U.S. state banknotes priced as securities?
    Publications on financial history 2005 (5)
  69. Valentine, Tax revolt: the rebellion against an overbearing, bloated, arrogant, and abusive government
  70. Thies, Money and the adoption of the US Constitution, J. of Private Enterprise, № 20/2, с. 147
  71. Thompson, The reconstruction of southern debtors: bankruptcy after the civil war
  72. Sreenivasan, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 89
  73. Slade, Banking in the Great Northern Territory: an illustrated history
  74. Rothbard, A history of money and banking in the United States: the colonial era to World War II
  75. Rogers, Prosperous but precarious: property deeds and mortgages in a small market town in the 18th and 19th centuries, Family and Community History, № 8/2, с. 105
  76. Robertson, The aesthetics of authenticity: printed banknotes as industrial currency, Technology and Culture, № 46/1, с. 31
  77. Pratt, From buildings and loans to bail-outs: a history of the American savings and loan industry, J. of American History, № 92/2, с. 701
  78. Mitchener, Empire, public goods, and the Roosevelt corollary, J. of Economic History, № 65/3, с. 658
  79. Mitchener, Bank supervision, regulation, and instability during the Great Depression, J. of Economic History, № 65/1, с. 152
  80. Love, Andrew W. Mellon: the man and his work
  81. Lange, History of the United States Mint and its coinage
  82. Kopfensteiner, The Houston branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: financial crises and banking timeline, 1919–1979
  83. Körnert, Analyse der Finanzmärkte der USA in den fünf Bankenkrisen der National Banking-Ära, Bankhistorisches Archiv, № 31/2, с. 87
  84. Giedeman, Branch banking restrictions and Finance constraints in early-twentieth century America, J. of Economic History, № 65/1, с. 129
  85. Friedberg, A guide book of United States paper money: complete source for history, grading, and prices
  86. Fishback, Did new deal grant programs stimulate local economies? A study of federal grants and retail sales during the great depression, J. of Economic History, № 65/1, с. 36
  87. Duncan, The dollar crisis: causes, consequences, cures
  88. Downing, The origins of value, с. 271
  89. Derks, The value of a dollar: colonial era to the Civil War, 1600–1865
  90. Cruson, The Newtown savings bank: one hundred fifty years of service
  91. Cohen, An introduction to two-rate taxation of land and buildings, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Rev., № 87/3, с. 359
  92. Carlson, Causes of bank suspensions in the panic of 1893, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/1, с. 56
  93. Broome, The first one hundred years of banking in North Carolina
  94. Brainard, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 57
  95. Crawford, Supporting banks, liberals and the “Australian way”: the freelands and the 1949 election, History Australia, № 2/3
  96. Baranoff, Shaped by risk: the American fire insurance industry, 1790–1920, Enterprise and Society, № 6/4, с. 561
  97. Anari, Bank asset liquidation and the propagation of the U.S. Great Depression, J. of Money, Credit and Banking, № 37/4, с. 753
  98. Montagne, Pouvoir financier vs. pouvoir salarial les fonds de pension américains: contribution du droit a la légitimité financière, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, № 60/6, с. 1299
  99. Adams, A century of putting people first: accuracy, fairness, and a concern for the welfare of the customer
  100. Un decenio de cambios, 1995–2005
  101. Blustein, And the money kept rolling in (and out): Wall Street, the IMF, and the bankrupting of Argentina
  102. Wachovia completes research of predecessor companies: apologizes for historical ties to slavery and plans to work with community partners to increase education and awareness of African-American history
  103. Markets in motion: [a financial market history, 1900 to 2004]
  104. Dimand, David Hume on Canadian paper money: an overlooked contribution, J. of Money, Credit and Banking, № 37/4, с. 783
  105. Nassar, Accounting earnings and cash flows as a measure of performance in business: an applied study on Amman stock exchange, Dirasat, № 32/2, с. 279
  106. Bernstein, Capital ideas: the improbable origins of modern Wall Street
  107. Looney, Postwar Iraq's financial system: building from scratch, Middle East policy, № 12/1, с. 134
  108. Awran, Determinants of interest rates in the Jordanian economy: an analytical study for the period 1990 to 2002, J. of the Social Sciences, № 33/2, с. 337
  109. Parvus, Türkiye'nin mali tutsakligi
  110. Kazgan, Türkiye ekonomisinde krizler, 1929–2001: ‘ekonomi politik’ açisindan bir irdeleme
  111. Eres, Capital accumulation and the development of a financial system: the Turkish example, Rev. of Radical Political Economics, № 37/3, с. 320
  112. Dogruel, Türkiye'de enflasyonun tarihi
  113. Orbay, Detailed tax farm registers and arrears registers as sources of the Waqfs’ financial analyses', Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, № 58/4, с. 331
  114. Cosgel, Risk, transaction costs, and tax assignment: government finance in the Ottoman Empire, J. of Economic History, № 65/3, с. 806
  115. Cosgel, Efficiency and continuity in public finance: the Ottoman system of taxation, International journal of Middle East studies, № 37/4, с. 567
  116. Jurk, Wir haben Spuren hinterlassen!
  117. Stephens, A critical analysis of housing finance reform in a “super” home-ownership state: the case of Armenia, Urban Studies, № 42/10, с. 1795
  118. Nepal Rastra Bank in 50 years
  119. Zhang, Political institutions and central bank autonomy in Taiwan, European J. of East Asian Studies, № 4/1, с. 87
  120. Zhang, The changing politics of central banking in Taiwan and Thailand, Pacific Affairs, № 78/3, с. 377
  121. Pirie, Better by design: Korea's neoliberal economy, Pacific Rev., № 18/3, с. 355
  122. Sah, Money demand function in India before and after liberalization, ICFAI J. of Monetary Economics, № 3/4, с. 6
  123. Muirhead, Differing perspectives: India, the World Bank and the 1963 aid-India negotiations, India Rev., № 4/1, с. 1
  124. Mathiyazhagan, An empirical analysis of exchange rate and trade balance and the balance of payments adjustment in India, Asian Profile, № 33/5, с. 481
  125. Kawamura, Higashi indo kaisha kaisan izen no isutan banku mondai, 1847–1857-nen, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 71/2, с. 25
  126. Lee, Farmers vs. wage earners: organized labor in Kansas, 1860–1960
  127. Bhattacharya, The financial foundations of the British Raj: ideas and interests in the reconstruction of Indian public finance 1858–1872
  128. Zhang, Cong shulu xian zhang min jiazu qiyue wenshu kan qingdai zhili nongcun de yinqian liutong, Zhongguo Nongshi, № 24/1, с. 109
  129. Zhang, Beiyang zhengfu shiqi de jiu liu gongzhai shuping, Shixue Yuekan, № 6, с. 44
  130. Zhang, Lun woguo xiandai huobi danwei “yuan, jiao, fen” tixi de queli, Shixue Yuekan, № 2, с. 43
  131. Yang, Jindai jiangxi difang huobi yu xiangcun jinrong zhuanxing, Zhongguo Nongshi, № 24/4, с. 58
  132. Xu, Nongjia fu zhai yu diquan yidong: yi 20 shiji 30 niandai qianqi chang jiang zhong xialiu diqu nongcun wei zhongxin, Jindaishi Yanjiu, № 2, с. 78
  133. Wu, Shanghai jinrongye yu jinyuanquan zhengce de tuixing, Shixue Yuekan, № 1, с. 69
  134. Von Glahn, The origins of value, с. 65
  135. Sheehan, Myth and reality in Chinese financial cliques in 1936, Enterprise and Society, № 6/3, с. 452
  136. Sheehan, Trust in troubled times: money, banks, and state-society relations in republican Tianjin
  137. Hamill, Business tax stories
  138. Nishimura, The foreign and native banks in China: chop loans in Shanghai and Hankow before 1914, Modern Asian Studies, № 39/1, с. 109
  139. Marchisio, Les chemins de fer chinois: finance et diplomatie, 1860–1914
  140. Ma, Jindai zhongguo jingji minzu zhuyi de duozhixing: yi tielu waizhai guan kaocha dian, Shixue Lilun Yanjiu, № 2, с. 34
  141. Brown, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 85
  142. Ma, 1920 dao 1930 niandai Shanghai jinrongye dui xinyong guanli de tichang he zheng xin jiguo zhi chuxian, J. of Oriental Studies, № 39/1, с. 79
  143. Huppatz, Globalizing corporate identity in Hong Kong: rebranding two banks, J. of Design History, № 18/4, с. 357
  144. Goodstadt, Uneasy partners: the conflict between public interest and private profit in Hong Kong
  145. Gong, 20 shijichu tianjin de jinrong fengchao jiqi yingdui ji*zhi, Shixue Yueka, № 2, с. 111
  146. Ge, Zhong-fa geng kuan an zhong de wuli zhaiquan wenti, Jindaishi Yanjiu, № 2, с. 123
  147. Cui, Qingdai baqi guanbing hongbai shi shangci yinliang shiliao, Lishi Dang'an, № 1, с. 8
  148. Cho, Chinas langer Marsch in den Kapitalismus
  149. Petmezas, Christian communities in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Ottoman Greece: their fiscal functions, Princeton Papers: Interdisciplinary J. of Middle Eastern Studies, № 12, с. 71
  150. Cheng, Banking in modern China: entrepreneurs, professional managers, and the development of Chinese banks, 1897–1937
  151. Chen, Shanghai yin hang jiu shi nian
  152. Cai, 20–30 Niandai hua yang yi zhen hui de xinyong hezuo shiyan, Zhongguo Nongshi, № 24/1, с. 79
  153. Jalali-Naini, Capital accumulation and economic growth in Iran: past experience and future prospects, Iranian Studies, № 38/1, с. 91
  154. Bian, Mingqing diandang he jiedai falü guifan de tiaozheng yu xiangcun shehui de wending, Zhongguo Nongshi, № 24/4, с. 66
  155. Bernhardt, Chang jiang xia you di qu de di zu, fu shui yu nong min de fan kang dou zheng, 1840–1950
  156. Benjamin, The evolution of income inequality in rural China, Economic Development and Cultural Change, № 53/4, с. 769
  157. Atwell, Another look at silver imports into China, ca. 1635–1644, J. of World History, № 16/4, с. 467
  158. Tachibanaki, Confronting Income Inequality in Japan: A Comparative Analysis of Causes, Consequences, and Reform
  159. Kenneson, The Lewis State Bank of Tallahassee, Florida and the family who made it possible
  160. Shiratori, Hosho hoko tokuyu no kaishu shori to nihon ginko, okurasho, 1927–1936 nen, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 70/6, с. 71
  161. Sato, Entreprises et histoire, № 41, с. 71
  162. Marichal, La banca en América Latina: lecciones del pasado. Retos al futuro, с. 41
  163. Okawa, Kindai nihon ni okeru “ji*zen” to “fuon”: 1890 nen no akita shi ni okeru beika toki e no taio o chushin ni, Rekishigaku Kenkyu, № 8, с. 1
  164. Kato, Senkan-ki nihon denki no kigyo baishu: kabushiki shutoku o chushin ni, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 71/3, с. 25
  165. Ishii, Reconsideration of the financial history of Japan: from moneychangers to banks, J. of Tokyo Keizai University, № 242, с. 55
  166. Hotori, Senji taisei sh*ta ni okeru okurasho ginko kensa: purudensu kisei tosh*te no sokumen o chushin ni, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 70/6, с. 3
  167. Hara, Japanese critical accounting, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, № 16/2, с. 73
  168. Ahmadjian, A clash of capitalisms: foreign shareholders and corporate restructuring in 1990s Japan, American Sociological Rev., № 70/3, с. 451
  169. Holtfrerich, Europas Finanzzentren, с. 53
  170. Beaverstock, Demystifying the euro in European Financial Centre relations: London and Frankfurt, 2000–2001, J. of Contemporary European Studies, № 13/2, с. 143
  171. Ogushi, Money, property and the demise of the CPSU, J. of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, № 21/2, с. 268
  172. Millar, Bergson's Structure of Soviet Wages, Comparative Economic Studies, № 47/2, с. 289
  173. Saito, Zenkindai keizai seicho no futatsu no patan: tokugawa nihon no hikaku sh*teki itchi, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 70/5, с. 3
  174. Kuz'mich, Lishnie den'gi: k prichinam zamedleniia tempov razvitiia, Vostok, № 1, с. 91
  175. Kargin, Nauda un cilveki
  176. Ivanovskii, Rossiia i mir–vchera, segodnia, zavtra: otechestvennyi i zarubezhnyi opyt ekonomicheskoi deiatel'nosti
  177. Ivanenko, The statutory tax burden and its avoidance in transitional Russia, Europe-Asia Studies, № 57/7, с. 1021
  178. Cherniavskii, Fiscal decentralization and local government in the reform period, Problems of Economic Transition, № 47/11, с. 18
  179. Barnett, Diskussiia o politicheskoi i ekonomicheskoi roli zolotovaliutnykh rezervov Rossii v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny, Vestnik Sankt Peterburgskogo universiteta, № 4, с. 48
  180. Anan'ich, Kredit i banki v Rossii do nachala XX veka: Sankt-Peterburg i Moskva
  181. Stintzky, Rev. des Etudes Slaves, № 76/1, с. 159
  182. Randa, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 437
  183. Mooslechner, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 401
  184. Kössner, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 368
  185. Jancik, t‘Arizace’ a arizátori: drobný a strední zidovský majetek v úverech Kreditanstalt der Deutschen (1939–45)
  186. Crespo, Alfonso Gumucio Reyes: la pasión creadora
  187. Cechlovska, Historie a soucasny stav ceskeho hypotecniho bankovnictvi, Ekonomie a management, № 1, с. 26
  188. West, Historical perspective of tax collecting in New Hampshire
  189. Chudják, Menová reforma v ceskoslovensku roku 1945 (slovenské predstavy a poziadavky), Historický Casopis, № 53/1, с. 71
  190. Tsaliki, Rev. of Radical Political Economics, № 37/1, с. 5
  191. Avramov, Silata na parite: istoriia na parite i kredita po bulgarskite zemi
  192. Torres-Villanueva, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 16
  193. Sylla, The origins of value, с. 299
  194. Hernangomez Cristobal, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 329
  195. El análisis de la economía española
  196. Asensio del Arco, España y el Sistema Monetario de Bretton Woods, Información Comercial Española, № 827, с. 25
  197. Charguéraud, La Suisse lynchée par l'Amérique: lettre ouverte au juge Korman, 1998–2004
  198. Tedesco, Nuova Storia Contemporanea, № 8/2, с. 159
  199. Spadavecchia, Financing industrial districts in Italy, 1971–91: a private venture?, Business History, № 47/4, с. 569
  200. Spadavecchia, State subsidies and the sources of company finance in Italian industrial districts, 1951–1991, Enterprise and Society, № 6/4, с. 571
  201. Giurovich, The UNDP, the World Bank and biodiversity in the Algerian Sahara, J. of North African Studies, № 10/3–4, с. 593
  202. Romani, La banca dei milanesi: storia della Banca popolare di Milano
  203. Rinaldi, The structure of Italian capitalism, 1952–1972: new evidence using the interlocking directorates technique, Financial History Rev., № 12/1, с. 173
  204. Montini, I primi dieci, с. 233
  205. Marinello, I primi dieci, с. 189
  206. Gabbi, I primi dieci, с. 151
  207. Finzi, Un paese e la sua banca: storia della Cassa rurale di Anghiari
  208. Di Pietra, I primi dieci, с. 85
  209. De Luca, Storie Incrociate. Banca, imprese, territorio
  210. Cibej, Poslovanje denarnih zavodov v coni B svobodnega trzaskega ozemlja, Acta Histriae, № 13/2, с. 423
  211. Carboni, Sacri recinti del credito. Sedi e storie dei Monti di Pietà in Emilia-Romagna
  212. Capece, I primi dieci, с. 213
  213. Botarelli, Le scelte di politica tributaria negli anni delle riforme (1948–1971), Riv. di diritto finanziario e scienza delle finanze, № 64/1, с. 54
  214. Borelli, Banca padrona
  215. Boccia, Freno o acceleratore. Sul mercato finanziario italiano negli anni “40 e”, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 33
  216. Belli, I primi dieci, с. 9
  217. Lowenstein, Origins of the crash: the great bubble and its undoing
  218. Belli, I primi dieci anni della Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena
  219. Muhumuza, Unfulfilled promises? NGOs’ micro-credit programmes and poverty reduction in Uganda', J. of Contemporary African Studies, № 23/3, с. 391
  220. A'Hearn, Finance-led divergence in the regions of Italy, Financial History Rev., № 12/1, с. 7
  221. Tilly, Trust and mistrust: banks, giant debtors, and enterprise crises in Germany, 1960–2002, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 1, с. 107
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  225. Löffler, Recht und Religion im Alltagsleben. Perspektiven der Kulturforschung. Festschrift für Walter Hartinger zum 65. Geburtstag, с. 61
  226. Jurk, Wir haben Spuren hinterlassen! Die DDR in Mosambik. Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus drei Jahrzehnten, с. 328
  227. Ullrich, Finanzplatz Berlin. Entstehung und Entwicklung. Eine theoriengeleitete historisch-empirische Analyse
  228. Hilger, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus. Analysen zum Wandel von Produktionsregimen, с. 222
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  265. Jack, Stocks of knowledge, simplification and unintended consequences: the persistence of post-war accounting practices in UK agriculture, Management Accounting Research, № 16/1, с. 59
  266. Hickson, The IMF crisis of 1976 and British politics
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  267. Gorsky, Hospital contributory schemes and the NHS debates 1937–1946: the rejection of social insurance in the British welfare state?, 20th Century British History, № 16/2, с. 170
  268. Gorsky, From hospital contributory schemes to health cash plans: the mutual ideal in British health care after 1948, J. of Social Policy, № 34/3, с. 447
  269. Finlay, Consumer credit fundamentals
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  271. Cutler, Medicine, the market and the mass media: producing health in the Twentieth century, с. 125
  272. Bussière, London and Paris as international financial centres in the twentieth century
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  277. Jensen-Eriksen, East-West Trade and the Cold War, с. 93
  278. Merki, Europas Finanzzentren. Geschichte und Bedeutung im 20. Jh.
  279. Meier, Europas Finanzzentren, с. 269
  280. Mathis, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 288
  281. Eichengreen, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 384
  282. Banken, Les activités métaux précieux de la Degussa dans l'Europe occupée, 1939–1945, Histoire, Economie et Société, № 24/4, с. 473
  283. Bähr, Les grandes banques allemandes et leurs activités dans l'Europe occidentale occupée, 1940–1944, Histoire, Economie et Société, № 24/4, с. 495
  284. Parache, Crisis cambiarias y financieras: una comparación de dos crisis
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  287. Polikarpov, Ob otnoshenii tsarskogo pravitel'stva k evreiskomu kapitalu v 1916 godu, Voprosy Istorii, № 2, с. 110
  288. Owen, Dilemmas of Russian capitalism: Fedor Chizhov and corporate enterprise in the railroad age
  289. McCaffray, Russia in the European context, 1789–1914: a member of the family, с. 33
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  294. Koo, Jingqi de bizhi gaige fang'an yu wan Qing bizhi wenti, Jindaishi Yanjiu, № 3, с. 117
  295. Wixforth, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa
  296. Weber, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 180
  297. Stiefel, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 196
  298. Seidel, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 335
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  303. Michel, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 73
  304. Bernabe Perez, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 309
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  306. Melichar, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa
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  308. Mattl, Austrofaschismus. Politik - Ökonomie – Kultur 1933–1938, с. 202
  309. Matis, Die Schwarzenberg-Bank. Kapitalbildung und Industriefinanzierung in den habsburgischen Erblanden 1787–1830
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  311. Lussy, Finanzbeziehungen Liechtensteins zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus: Studie im Auftrag der Unabhängigen Historikerkommission Liechtenstein Zweiter Weltkrieg
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  313. Davidson, Australia's first bank: fifty years from the Wales to Westpac
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  315. Kučera, Der zögerliche Expansionist. Die Commerzbank in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1945, Bankhistorisches Archiv, № 31/1, с. 33
  316. Köhler, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa
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  318. Klausinger, Misguided monetary messages: the Austrian case,1931–34, European J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 12/1, с. 25
  319. Kämpken, Beethoven und das Geld. Begleitbuch zu einer Ausstellung des Beethoven-Hauses in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Archiv der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien und der Österreichischen Nationalbank'
  320. Feldman, German banks and National Socialist Efforts to supply capital and support industrialization in newly annexed territories: the Austrian model, Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, № 50/1, с. 5
  321. Eigner, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 482
  322. Brandt, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 37
  323. Bussière, London and Paris, с. 265
  324. Bohr, Österreichs genialster Geldfälscher und seine Zeit
  325. Rouvillois, Michel Debré, с. 67
  326. Albert, “One gypsy, one king”: the Austro-Hungarian bank competition, Centropa, № 5/2, с. 92
  327. Prodanovic, Neue Staaten – neue Bilder? Visuelle Kultur im Dienst staatlicher Selbstdarstellung in Zentral- und Osteuropa seit 1918, с. 291
  328. Bozic, Krcke kreditne zadruge i gospodarski list “pucki prijatelj” u prvom desetljecu 20. stoljeca, Casopis za Suvremenu Povijest, № 37/1, с. 129
  329. Konishi, Bond underwriting syndicates organized by commercial banks: evidence from prewar Japan, J. of the Japanese and International Economies, № 19/3, с. 303
  330. Aleksic, Explorations in economic history, № 42/2, с. 202
  331. Méndez, 100 años CAI, 1905–2005
  332. Lacina, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 239
  333. Martinez, Las cajas de ahorros en la historia de Andalucia, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 132
  334. Martín Aceña, Estadísticas históricas de España, Siglos XIX y XX, № II, с. 645
  335. Descamps, François Bloch-Lainé, с. 157
  336. Manera, Las cajas de ahorros y el crecimiento economico en Baleares, 1880–2000, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 168
  337. Estudio de los precios agrarios y de la formación del mercado regional en Andalucía en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX
  338. Glendinning, Goya y el Banco Nacional de San Carlos
  339. García-Iglesias Soto, Ventajas y riesgos del patrón oro para la economía española (1850–1913)
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  341. Comin-Comin, La confederacion Espanola de cajas de ahorros y el desarrollo de la red de servicios financieros de las cajas en el siglo XX (1900–1976), Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 48
  342. Carnero, Crónica de una noble institución salmantina. Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Salamanca, después llamada Caja de Salamanca y Soria o Caja Duero. Desde sus inicios hasta el 125 aniversario
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  344. Bernal, Accounting regulation, inertia and organisational self-perception: double-entry adoption in a Spanish Casa de Comercio (1829–1852), Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/2, с. 145
  345. Schroeder, Recht – Kultur – Finanzen. Festschrift für Reinhard Mußgnug zum 70. Geburtstag am 26. Oktober 2005, с. 377
  346. Pictet 1805–2005. 200 years of history: one bank and the men who built it
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  348. Mazbouri, L'émergence de la place financière suisse (1890–1913): itinéraire d'un grand banquier
  349. De Lucia, Industrie, agricoltura e credito nello sviluppo economico della Svizzera, 1800–1940
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  351. Tuccimei, La ricerca economica a Via Nazionale: una storia degli ‘Studi’ da Canovai a Baffi (1894–1940)
  352. Sanseverino, La vigilanza bancaria in Italia dal 1926 al 1960, Riv. di storia finanziaria, № 14/1, с. 81
  353. Rugafiori, Gerolamo Gaslini: un imprenditore filantropo tra etica e politica, Contemporanea, № 8, с. 447
  354. Rousseau, Emerging Financial Markets and Early US Growth, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/1, с. 1
  355. Provvedi, Le attività agricole, artigianali e professionali di Poggibonsi attraverso le analisi dei bilanci del Comune (1860–1880). I parte, Miscellanea storica della Valdelsa, № 111/1–3, с. 67
  356. Pollard, Money and the rise of the modern papacy: financing the Vatican, 1850–1950
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  358. Patuelli, Ricordi e considerazioni su Malagodi banchiere, Giovanni Malagodi banchiere, 1927–1952, с. 47
  359. Marrero, An active public investment rule and the downsizing experience in the US: 1960–2000, Topics in Macroeconomics, № 5/1, с. 1
  360. Pagano, Rassegna storica del Risorgimento, № 92, с. 507
  361. Marongiu, La politica fiscale del fascismo
  362. Borodkin, Forced labour and the need for motivation: wages and bonuses in the Stalinist camp system, Comparative Economic Studies, № 47/2, с. 418
  363. Magliani, Per la storia economica e sociale del territorio umbro: la prima Cassa di risparmio di Perugia dallo Stato pontificio allo Stato unitario
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  366. Gagliardi, Il ministero per gli Scambi e valute e la politica autarchica del fascismo, Studi storici, № 46, с. 1033
  367. Chiapparino, Storia e problemi contemporanei, № 17/37, с. 73
  368. Canella, Beneficenza a risparmio: i documenti preunitari della Cassa di risparmio delle Provincie lombarde
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  375. Weschke, ‘Was mich interessiert ist Geld’ (Salvador Dali, Künstler 1904–1989): Geldgeschichte Geldpolitik, Geldtheorie von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart: anlässlich der gleichnamigen Wanderausstellung im Verbandsgebiet des Ostdeutschen Sparkassen- und Giroverbandes, eröffnet zum Weltspartag 2003
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  378. Treisch, Taxable treatment of the subsistence level of income in German natural law, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/3, с. 255
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  380. Scharwath, Vom Saarbrücker Groschen zur Deutschen Mark. Geldgeschichte der Saarregion
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  389. Jakubowski-Tiessen, “Woher nehmen wir Geldt zu den Küsten her…?” Eine frühneuzeitliche Flutkatastrophe und ihre finanziellen Folgen, Siedlungsforschung, № 23, с. 91
  390. Feldman, Bank Austria Creditanstalt. 150 Jahre österreichische Bankengeschichte im Zentrum Europa, с. 317
  391. Eierle, Differential reporting in Germany: historical analysis, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/3, с. 279
  392. Burhop, Die Vergütung des Führungspersonals deutscher Großbanken, 1871–1913, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 92/3, с. 281
  393. Boenke, Die Notgeldscheine aus Kolberg und Körlin. Zeugnisse aus der deutschen Geschichte zweier Städte in Pommern
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  399. Bähr, Wirtschaftskontrolle und Recht in der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur, с. 199
  400. Abelshauser, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus. Analysen zum Wandel von Produktionsregimen, с. 172
  401. Viaene, L'efficience de la Bourse de Paris au XIXe siècle: une confrontation théorique face aux données empiriques des marchés à terme et à prime
  402. Vanoli, A history of national accounting
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  419. Dreyfus, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa zwischen den Weltkriegen
  420. De Olivera, Justice et argent, с. 87
  421. Conreur, De l'assignat à l'euro: deux siècles d'histoire du franc
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  431. Boulat, Les espaces locaux de la protection sociale: études offertes au professeur Pierre Guillaume: colloque de Bordeaux, février 2003, с. 507
  432. Bouchardeau, Grand argentier protestant et pasteur de laïcité: Auguste Giraud, Rev. drômoise, № 516, с. 163
  433. Bordas, Les directeurs généraux des douanes: l'administration et la politique douanière, 1801–1939
    Publications on financial history 2005 (7)
  434. Borensztein, Financial reform and the efficiency of credit allocation in Korea, J. of Policy Reform, № 8/1, с. 55
  435. Bonin, London and Paris, с. 183
  436. Bonin, Essays on Industrialisation in France, Norway and Spain, с. 113
  437. Quintas Seoane, Un breve recorrido por la historiografia reciente sobre la historia de las cajas de ahorros, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 2
  438. Bonin, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation: les acteurs économiques et leurs archives, с. 293
  439. Marcel, Crises d'hier, crises d'aujourd'hui. Les grandes crises: 1873, 1929, 1973
  440. Manow, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus, с. 242
  441. Nuñez Estrada, Reforma y crisis del sistema bancario, 1990–2000: quiebra de Banca Serfin: enfoque organizacional
  442. Malmendier, The Origins of value, с. 31
  443. de Gmeline, Depuis 1845, Dupuy de Parseval: quatre familles, une région, un groupe: une banque ouverte sur le monde
  444. Poole, Conspicuous presumption: the treasury and the trustees of the national gallery, 1890–1939, Twentieth Century British History, № 16/1, с. 1
  445. Lindert, Growing public: social spending and economic growth since the eighteenth century (vol. 1: The story; vol. 2: Further evidence)
  446. Kolm, The emerging system of double taxation agreements in the late 19th and 20th centuries, Development and Finance, № 2, с. 66
  447. Kim, The market for American state government bonds in Britain and the United States, 1830–1843, Economic History Rev., № 58/4, с. 736
  448. Bian, A history of modern Shanghai banking: the rise and decline of China's finance capitalism, Enterprise and Society, № 6/2, с. 305
  449. Lewin, The capital idea and the scope of economics, Rev. of Austrian Economics, № 18/2, с. 145
  450. Appelqvist, Ämbetsman eller politiker? Om Dag Hammarskjölds roll i fyrtiotalets svenska regeringspolitik
  451. Coronas Vida, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 207
  452. Guinnane, Trust: a concept too many, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 1, с. 77
  453. Goetzmann, The origins of value, с. 3
  454. Flandreau, Other people's money, с. 154
  455. Goetzmann, The origins of value, с. 177
  456. Geschwandtner, Die tragische Geschichte der bisher einzigen Bankgründerin Österreich, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, № 145, с. 227
  457. Dudakov, Rabotniki finansovoi sistemy v Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voine, Finansy, № 5, с. 7
  458. Kartschoke, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 182
  459. Kazgan, Galata bankerleri
  460. Blaazer, Finance and the end of appeasem*nt: the Bank of England, the national government and the Czech Gold, J. of Contemporary History, № 40/1, с. 25
  461. Sánchez Soler, Los banqueros de Franco
  462. Feldman, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus, с. 316
  463. Rüegg, Konsequenzen von Staatsreformen für die demokratische Steuerungsfähigkeit. Vergleichende Analyse zu vier Schweizer Kantonen, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, № 46/1, с. 86
  464. Engel, The SURIy Bonds: American Cold War constraints on British aviation, Enterprise and Society, № 6/1, с. 1
  465. Galán Sánchez, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 427
  466. Posner, Sources of institutional change: the supranational origins of Europe's new stock markets, World Politics, № 58/1, с. 1
  467. Cassis, London and Paris, с. 1
  468. Eichengreen, Other people's money, с. 233
  469. Kenneth, The gold ring: Jim Fisk, Jay Gould, and Black Friday, 1869
  470. Spraakman, The transfer of management accounting practices from London counting houses to the British North American fur trade, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/2, с. 101
  471. Eichengreen, Other people's money, с. 3
  472. Del Arco, Espana y Bretton Woods
  473. Eichengreen, Other people's money: debt denomination and financial instability in emerging market economies
  474. D'Adda, Guardando al futuro del Sistema Monetario Internazionale, Moneta e credito, № 58/232, с. 155
  475. Hou, Gongyehuaqian zhong-ying xiangcun jiedai bijiao yanjiu, Shixue Yuekan, № 2, с. 75
  476. Corsetti, Other people's money, с. 68
  477. Clavin, Transnationalism and the league of nations: understanding the work of its economic and financial organisation, Contemporary European History, № 14/4, с. 465
  478. Cespedes, Other people's money, с. 48
  479. Doyon, Justice et argent, с. 65
  480. Castiglione, Blood and oil: eighteenth-century monetary anxieties, Historical Reflections, № 31/1, с. 27
  481. Liddy, War, politics and finance in late medieval English towns: Bristol, York and the Crown, 1350–1400
  482. Cassis, Capitals of capital: a history of international financial centres, 1780–2005
  483. Mentgen, Porträt einer europäischen Kernregion. Der Rhein-Maas-Raum in historischen Lebensbildern, с. 131
  484. Halbeisen, Goldstandard oder manipulierte Währung? Partikularinteressen und Währungspolitik in den 1930er-Jahren, Traverse, № 12/1, с. 169
  485. Bernstein, Die Macht des Goldes. Auf den Spuren einer Faszination
  486. Sánchez Martínez, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 83
  487. Zarlenga, Moving monetary reform to the “front burner”, American Rev. of Political Economy, № 3/1, с. 39
  488. Walker, Accounting in history, Accounting Historians J., № 32/2, с. 233
  489. Baten, Making profits in wartime: corporate profits, inequality, and GDP in Germany during the First World War, Economic History Rev., № 58/1, с. 34
  490. Tusset, How the International Monetary Fund's policies change according to economic theory (1945–1973), Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, № 52/4, с. 483
  491. Baer, Oral history interview of Charles A. Baer
  492. Di Martino, Approaching disaster: personal bankruptcy legislation in Italy and England, c. 1880–1939, Business History, № 47/1, с. 23
  493. Tobin, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 207
  494. Balletta, Modelli di interazione fra debito pubblico e mercati finanziari’, in ‘Seminario su Debito pubblico e formazione dei mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporanea, tenuto, a Cassino, il 15 e 16 ottobre 2004, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 111
  495. Michener, State “currencies” and the transition to the US dollar: clarifying some confusions, American Economic Rev., № 95/3, с. 682
  496. Altorfer, Europas Finanzzentren. Geschichte und Bedeutung im 20. Jh., с. 197
  497. Szakolczai, Analysis of the equilibrium of the real and monetary economy, Development and Finance/Fejlesztes es Finanszirozas: Q. Hungarian Economic Rev., № 1, с. 56
  498. Amuedo-Dorantes, On the use of differing money transmission methods by Mexican immigrants, International Migration Rev., № 39/3, с. 554
  499. Srinivasan, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 399
  500. Hampel, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 502
  501. Shaw, Turning point in the evolution of soft financing: the united nations and the world bank, Canadian J. of Development Studies, № 26/1, с. 43
  502. Shoven, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 215
  503. Thomas, Rivers of gold: the rise of the Spanish empire, from Columbus to Magellan
  504. Selgin, Charles Wyatt, manager of the Parys mine mint: a study in ingratitude', British Numismatic J., № 75, с. 113
  505. Shiller, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 307
  506. Nogal, Genoese banking companies in Madrid at the beginning of the 17th century, Hispania-Rev. Espanola De Historia, № 219, с. 67
  507. Bellofiore, Marx's theory of money, с. 124
  508. McCulley, History lessons for 21st century investment managers, Financial Analysts J., № 61/2, с. 19
  509. Goetzmann, The origins of value: the financial innovations that created modern capital markets
    Publications on financial history 2005 (8)
  510. Darnis, Glossaire des noms familiers de l'argent, D'or et d'argent, с. 119
  511. Fiedler, Zur Rolle des Vertrauens in der ‘Deutschland AG’: Verflechtungen zwischen Finanz- und Nichtfinanzunternehmen im 20. Jh.', Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 1, с. 93
  512. Jelic, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa zwischen den Weltkriegen
  513. Pomini, The revision of monetary theory in Fanno's analysis, Riv. internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, № 52/1, с. 1
  514. Sanchez, Desigualdad del ingreso 1976–2004, Coyuntura economica, № 35/2, с. 289
  515. Gómez, El dinero y las palabras: conexiones insospechadas
  516. Chen, Qingdai de hegong yu caizheng, Qing Shi Yanjiu, № 3, с. 33
  517. Szostak, Evaluating the historiography of the great depression: explanation or single-theory driven?, J. of Economic Methodology, № 12/1, с. 35
  518. Peña Peña, Moneda metálica y papel moneda en Venezuela (1498–2005)
  519. Ross, Pobreza y cajas de ahorros en Escocia a mediados del siglo XIX, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 82
  520. Steele, Hayek's theory of money and cycles: retrospective and reappraisal, Q. J. of Austrian Economics, № 8/1, с. 3
  521. Laieunesse, Le financement des bibliothèques publiques du Québec depuis 1960, Argus: Montreal, № 34/3, с. 11
  522. Cornu, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 97
  523. Shaw, Rothschilds and Brazil: an introduction to sources in the Rothschild archive, Latin American Research Rev., № 40/1, с. 165
  524. Liang, Rejection or acceptance: finding reasons for the late Qing magistrate's comments on land and debt petitions, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, № 68/2, с. 276
  525. Chevandier, Mémoire orale et mémoire écrite au Ministère des Finances; de la série à l'individu, archives du personnel et archives orales, Gazette des archives, № 198, с. 73
  526. Hofinger, Reservefonds mit Fürsorgecharakter bei Vorschuss- und Kreditvereinen (Kreditgenossenschaften), Bankhistorisches Archiv, № 31/2, с. 134
  527. Officer, The quantity theory in New England, 1703–1749: new data to analyze an old question, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/1, с. 101
  528. Nasica, Profits, confidence, and public deficits: modeling Minsky's institutional dynamics, J. of Post Keynesian Economics, № 28/1, с. 135
  529. Kirk, Banking on India's states: the politics of World Bank reform programs in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, India Rev., № 4/3, с. 287
  530. Zeckhauser, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 435
  531. Murray, Marx's theory of money, с. 50
  532. Bullard, Did the great inflation occur despite policymaker commitment to a Taylor rule?, Rev. of Economic Dynamics, № 8/2, с. 324
  533. Murphy, Dangers of the one-good model: Böhm-Bawerk's critique of the “naïve productivity theory of interest”, J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 27/4, с. 375
  534. Muchlinski, Kontroversen in der internationalen Wahrungspolitik: Retrospektive zu Keynes-White-Boughton und IMF, Intervention, № 2/1, с. 57
  535. Smith, Marx's theory of money, с. 222
  536. Moseley, Marx's theory of money: modern appraisals
  537. Chantrel, L'oeuvre de Jean Bodin. Actes du colloque tenu à Lyon à l'occasion du quatrième centenaire de sa mort, 11–13 janvier 1996, с. 333
  538. Merki, Europas Finanzzentren. Geschichte und Bedeutung im 20. Jh.
  539. Menger, Carl Menger's “Money as Measure of Value”, History of Political Economy, № 37/2, с. 245
  540. Maissen, Verweigerte Erinnerung: Nachrichtenlose Vermögen und die Schweizer Weltkriegsdebatte 1989–2004
  541. Rigaudière, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge, с. 273
  542. Wang, Yinhang xuehui kaolun (1932–1950), Shixue Yuekan, № 8, с. 61
  543. Mäkeler, Bemerkungen zu den Anfängen der stempelvergleichenden Methode', Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten, № 40, с. 128
  544. Derwael, Op zoek naar de ondernemersgeest. Bedrijfsarchieven in west-vlaanderen, Bibliotheek en archiefgids Vlaamse vereniging voor bibliotheek, archief, en documentatiewezen, № 81/2, с. 26
  545. Feldkamp, The law and economics of financial markets: lessons of history that assure success in the future
  546. McLure, Equilibrium and Italian fiscal sociology: a reflection on the Pareto-Griziotti and Pareto-Sensini letters on fiscal theory, European J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 12/4, с. 609
  547. Goetzmann, The origins of value, с. 91
  548. Likitkijsomboon, Marx's theory of money, с. 160
  549. Klüßendorf, Numismatik und Geldgeschichte, Historische Hilfswissenschaften, с. 107
  550. Poulin, Desjardins en mouvement: comment une grande coopérative de services financiers s'adapte aux transformations du secteur bancaire
  551. Friedman, A natural experiment in monetary policy covering three episodes of growth and decline in the economy and the stock market, J. of Economic Perspectives, № 19/4, с. 145
  552. Lapavitsas, Marx's theory of money, с. 95
  553. Hallon, Úloha Milana Hodzu v komercnom bankovníctve Slovenska v rokoch 1918–1938, Historický Casopis, № 53/1, с. 57
  554. Jarvie, Ready to trample on all human law: financial capitalism in the fiction of Charles Dickens
    Publications on financial history 2005 (9)
  555. Itoh, Marx's theory of money, с. 177
  556. Solakoglu, The effects of railroad development on price convergence among the states of the USA from 1866 to 1906, Applied Economics, № 37/15, с. 1747
  557. Gomez Camacho, Treatise on money: introduction, J. of Markets and Morality, № 8/1, с. 167
  558. Bastien, Justice et argent, с. 281
  559. Schwanitz, ‘Macht und Anteil an der Weltherrschaft’. Berlin und der deutsche Kolonialismus, с. 81
  560. Geanakoplos, The ideal inflation-indexed bond and Irving Fisher's impatience theory of interest with overlapping generations, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, № 64/1, с. 257
  561. Dohna, Die “jüdischen Konten” der fürstlich Castell'schen Credit-Cassen und des Bankhauses Karl Meyer KG
  562. Santillan Salgado, Banking, capital markets and monetary policy in the NAFTA countries: a recent survey, Latin American Business Review, № 6/1, с. 1
  563. Galbraith, Der große Crash 1929. Ursachen, Verlauf, Folgen
  564. Sargent, The 1975–78 anti-inflation program in retrospect
  565. Rehm, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 135
  566. Martins Gandra da Silva, Uma teoria do tributo
  567. Minda, International regulation and supervision: a solution to bank failure in Latin America?, Ibero Americana, № 35/1, с. 9
  568. Medema, “Marginalizing” government: from “la scienza delle finanze” to Wicksell, History of Political Economy, № 37/1, с. 1
  569. Neal, The origins of value, с. 165
  570. Weidner, Die Beschäftigung von Frauen in der Bankwirtschaft am Beispiel der Bayerischen Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank AG von 1835 bis 1985 mit einem Ausblick auf die Bayerische Vereinsbank, Bankhistorisches Archiv, № 31/2, с. 107
  571. Fleischman, Accounting, coercion and social control during apprenticeship: converting slave workers to wage workers in the British West Indies c. 1834–1838, Accounting Historians J., № 32/2, с. 201
  572. Faucci, Perché la “tradizione italiana di finanza pubblica” incontra ancora tanto interesse?, Economia Politica, № 22/2, с. 201
  573. Armingeon, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus, с. 441
  574. Ding, Inflation and changing expenditure shares, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Q., № 91/1, с. 1
  575. Fantacci, Complementary currencies: a prospect on money from a retrospect on premodern practices, Financial History Rev., № 12/1, с. 43
  576. Gootzeit, Mill's concept of paper credit led to a short-run theory of the cycle, Riv. internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, № 52/4, с. 467
  577. Berghoff, Markterschließung und Risikomanagement. die Rolle der Kreditauskunfteien und Rating-Agenturen im Industrialisierungs- und Globalisierungsprozess des 19. Jahrhunderts, Vierteljahrschrift für sozial- und wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 92/2, с. 141
  578. Tschoegl, Foreign banks in the Pacific: a note, J. of Pacific History, № 60/2, с. 223
  579. Dimand, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 393
  580. Dimand, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 185
  581. Los archivos bancarios Mexicanos. notas para el analisis de fuentes del sistema bancario 1900–1940, América Latina en la Historia Económica. Boletín de Fuentes, № 23, с. 105
  582. Clement, Central bank cooperation at the bank for international settlements, 1930–1973
  583. Follain, L'impôt des campagnes, fragile fondement de l'Etat dit moderne (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Actes du Colloque tenu à Bercy, Paris: 2–3 décembre 2002
  584. Diewert, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 311
  585. Darnis, Chronologie du franc, D'or et d'argent, с. 123
  586. Trask, William Graham Sumner: monetary theorist, J. of Austrian Economics, № 8/2, с. 35
  587. Barros Leite, A evolução das ciências contábeis no Brasil
  588. DeRidder, Evolution of accounting since Luca Paciolo, Essays in Economic and Business History, № 23, с. 14
  589. Beckers, Literaturbericht 2004, Bankhistorisches Archiv, № 31/1, с. 79
  590. Chiese, La ricchezza delle corporazioni e il suo utilizzo. (Il caso di Verona in età moderna), Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni, № 55, с. 215
  591. De Molina, Treatise on money: argument 396: diverse senses in which the terms barter and exchange may be used: to barter in a strict sense, J. of Markets and Morality, № 8/1, с. 199
  592. Meissner, Voting rules and the success of connected lending in 19th century New England banks, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/4, с. 509
  593. De Ianni, Sul capitalismo industriale e finanziario di Giacinto Motta, Rivista di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 23
  594. Gutiérrez, Cost and management accounting in pre-industrial revolution Spain, Accounting Historians J., № 32/1, с. 111
  595. Sárközi, Magyar Általános Hitelbank RT
  596. Quaglioni, Credito e usura fra teologia, diritto e amministrazione: linguaggi a confronto, sec. XII-XVI
  597. Ledesma-Rodríguez, Rev. de Historia Económica, № 23-3, с. 541
  598. Catalano, La teoria del valore di Ferdinando Galiani alla luce di una versione inedita di “Della Moneta”, Il Pensiero economico italiano, № 13/2, с. 114
  599. Ishikawa, A social science of contemporary value-based accounting: economic foundations of accounting for financial instruments, Critical perspectives on accounting, № 16/2, с. 115
  600. Barnett, Money: capital good, consumer good, or (media of) exchange good?, Rev. of Austrian Economics, № 18/2, с. 179
  601. Feiertag, Mesurer la monnaie: banques centrales et construction de l'autorité monétaire, XIXe-XXe siècle
  602. Barber, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 43
  603. Baker, Audit and control in the not-for-profit sector: an endowed charity case 1739–1853, Accounting and Business Research, № 35/2, с. 111
  604. Gharbi, Crédit et discrédit de la banque d'Algérie: seconde moitié du XIXème siècle
  605. Quick, The formation and early development of German audit firms, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/3, с. 317
  606. Baranzini, Modigliani's life-cycle theory of savings fifty years later, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Q. Rev., № 58/233–34, с. 109
  607. Hollingsworth, The cardinal's hat: money, ambition, and everyday life in the court of a Borgia prince
  608. Rust, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 169
  609. Tobin, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 201
  610. Okazaki, Measuring the extent and implications of director interlocking in the prewar Japanese banking industry, J. of Economic History, № 65/4, с. 1082
  611. Carlsson, Ekonomernas valfardsrecept: hoga loner och trygga truster Economists, Ekonomisk debatt, № 33/7, с. 17
  612. Berend, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 212
  613. Higgins, British business history: a review of the periodical literature for 2003, Business History, № 47/2, с. 159
  614. Porras Arboledas, Concursos de acreedores en el archivo historico provincial de Burgos (siglos XVI-XIX), Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, № 12, с. 355
  615. De Luca, Bibliografia di Storia della Finanza Italiana – Italian finance history bibliography
  616. Shapiro, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 361
  617. Davies, Money – past, present and future – information on monetary history, contemporary developments, and electronic money
  618. Klüßendorf, XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismática, Madrid, 2003, Actas-Proceedings-Actes, с. 1477
  619. Garnot, Justice et argent: les crimes et les peines pécuniaires du XIIIe au XXIe siècle, с. 7
  620. Geck, What goes up: the uncensored history of modern Wall Street as told by the bankers, brokers, CEOs, and scoundrels who made it happen, Library J., № 130/14, с. 156
  621. Tortella, Billetes Españoles, 1874–1939
  622. Hsu, Organizing venture capital: the rise and demise of American research and development corporation, 1946–1973, Industrial and Corporate Change, № 14/4, с. 579
  623. Sabaté Sort, The Spanish peseta versus the pound sterling, the French franc and the US dollar, 1870–1935: a long floating experience, Applied Financial Economics Letters, № 1–2, с. 95
  624. De Brunhoff, Marx's theory of money, с. 209
  625. Gressier, Les forêts d'Occident du Moyen Age à nos jours. Actes des 24e journées internationales d'histoire de l'abbaue de Flaran, Gers, 6,7 et 8 septembre 2002, с. 13
  626. Heske, Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland 1970 bis 2000 – neue Ergebnisse einer volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung, Historical Social Research, № 30/2, с. 238
  627. Reuten, Marx's theory of money, с. 78
  628. Williams, Poor relief, labourer's households and living standards in rural England c.1770–1834: a Bedfordshire case study, Economic History Rev., № 58/3, с. 485
  629. Planas, Accounting records of large rural estates and the dynamics of agriculture in Catalonia, 1850–1950, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/2, с. 171
  630. Robra, Das Protokoll- und Rechnungsbuch der Hillighemans und Kerkswaren für die Zeit von 1513–1582: im Archiv des Presbyteriums der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirchengemeinde in Leer (Ostfriesland)
  631. Robert, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation, с. 45
  632. Desmedt, Money in the “body politick”: the analysis of trade and circulation in the writings of seventeenth-century political arithmeticians, History of Political Economy, № 37/1, с. 79
  633. Ermice, Le origini del Gran libro del debito pubblico del Regno di Napoli e l'emergere di nuovi gruppi sociali, 1806–1815
  634. Follain, L'impôt des campagnes, fragile fondement de l'Etat dit moderne (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Actes du Colloque tenu à Bercy, Paris: 2–3 décembre 2002, с. 513
  635. Asselain, Le siècle des dévaluations: du franc Poincaré au “franc fort” des années 1980, D'or et d'argent, с. 65
  636. Quattrone, Is time spent, passed or counted? The missing link between time and accounting history, Accounting Historians J., № 32/1, с. 185
  637. Gallego Martínez, La formacion de los precios del trigo en España (1820–1869): el mercado interior, Historia Agraria, № 36, с. 263
  638. Dimitri, I primi dieci, с. 177
  639. Baranzini, Léon Walras e la moneta senza velo, 1860–1886: contributo analitico ed epistemologico alla ricostruzione del modello monetario walrasiano
  640. Hickson, The genesis of corporate governance: nineteenth-century Irish joint-stock banks, Business History, № 47/2, с. 174
  641. Lawrence, Rockefeller money, the laboratory, and medicine in Edinburgh, 1919–1930: new science in an old country
    Publications on financial history 2005 (10)
  642. Goodhart, What is the essence of money? Review article, Cambridge J. of Economics, № 29/5, с. 817
  643. Islam, Pro-cyclicality of consumer spending and the financial crisis of Thailand, J. of Developing Areas, № 38/2, с. 41
  644. Cozzi, A reappraisal of Modigliani's finance theories, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Q. Rev., № 58/233–4, с. 215
  645. Windler, Nähe in der Ferne. Personale Verflechtung in den Außenbeziehungen der Frühen Neuzeit, с. 105
  646. Richardson, Toward democracy: a critique of a World Bank loan to the united Mexican states, Rev. of Policy Research, № 22/4, с. 473
  647. Kurz, Removing an “insuperable obstacle” in the way of an objectivist analysis: Sraffa's attempts at fixed capital, European J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 12/3, с. 493
  648. Mooij, Corporate culture of central banks: lessons from the past, J. of European Economic History, № 34/1, с. 11
  649. Bussière, London and Paris as international financial centres in the twentieth century
  650. Tabakoglu, Toplu makaleler
  651. Papademos, Macroeconomic theory and monetary policy: the contributions of Franco Modigliani and the ongoing debate, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Q. Rev., № 58/233–4, с. 187
  652. Berghoff, Markterschliessung und Risikomanagement. die Rolle der Kreditauskunfteien und Rating-Agenturen im Industrialisierungs- und Globalisierungsprozess des 19. Jahrhunderts, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 92/2, с. 141
  653. Dupont-Fauville, Michel Debré, с. 5
  654. Rizescu, Justice et argent, с. 259
  655. Bagchi, Perilous passage: mankind and the global ascendancy of capital
  656. Bellamy, Canada and the cost of World War II: the international operations of Canada's Department of Finance, 1939–1947
  657. Schulz, Sparkassen in der Geschichte, Bankhistorisches Archiv, № 31/1, с. 57
  658. Hillman, Australian capital and South-East Asian tin mining, 1906–40, Australian Economic History Rev., № 45/2, с. 161
  659. Yasuba, Sangyo kakumei no jidai no nihon no jissh*tsu chingin: hikaku keizaish*teki apurochi, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 71/1, с. 49
  660. Noiret, Publications on financial history, 2003, Financial History Rev., № 12/2, с. 247
  661. Financial condition in the City of Portland
  662. Michie, Europas Finanzzentren, с. 23
  663. Schmidt, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 204
  664. Triner, The Baring crisis and the Brazilian Encilhamento, 1889–1891: an early example of contagion among emerging capital markets, Financial History Rev., № 12/2, с. 199
  665. Millard, A new direction for an Old Lady: an overview of the Bank of England Archive, its work and future challenges, Business Archives, № 91, с. 44
  666. MacLean, Time to wealth goals in capital accumulation, Quantitative Finance, № 5/4, с. 343
  667. Groisman, Determinantes del grado de desigualdad salarial en la Argentina: un estudio interurbano, Desarrollo Económico, № 45/178, с. 281
  668. Sury, Finance Commissions of India, I to XI, 1952–57 to 2005–10
  669. Kaplan, Réseaux économiques et construction européenne, с. 381
  670. Cohen, Le nouvel âge du capitalisme: bulles, krachs et rebonds
  671. Li, Family life cycle and peasant income in socialist China: evidence from Qin village, J. of Family History, № 30/1, с. 121
  672. Kwass, Spending and saving in the Enlightenment, Historical Reflections, № 31/1, с. 49
  673. Bazulin, Dvoistvennaia priroda deneg: russkaia ekonomicheskaia mysl' na rubezhe XIX-XX vekov: monografiia
  674. Weigt, Der deutsche Kapitalmarkt vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Gründerboom, Gründerkrise und Effizienz des deutschen Aktienmarktes bis 1914
  675. Martínez Oliva, Le battaglie della lira: moneta, finanza e relazioni internazionali dell'Italia dall'unità all'euro
  676. Béguin, La circulation des rentes constituées dans la France du XVIIe siècle. Une approche de l'incertitude économique, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, № 60/6, с. 1229
  677. Ludlow, Archivos y documentos de los antiguos bancos de emision existentes en el Archivo General de la nacion, América Latina en la Historia Económica. Boletín de Fuentes, № 23, с. 11
  678. Moseley, Marx's theory of money, с. 192
  679. Gassert, Men for all seasons? Die deutschen Unternehmer Hanns Martin Schleyer und Hermann Josef Abs, Vorgange, № 1/169, с. 130
  680. Apfelbaum, Without compromise, fear or favor: the first century of the Texas Department of Banking
  681. The Reserve Bank of India, 1967–1981, № 3
  682. Arthur, Marx's theory of money: modern appraisals, с. 111
  683. Fournier, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 267
  684. Buchheim, Die vielen Rechenfehler in der Abrechnung Götz Alys mit den Deutschen unter dem NS-Regime, Sozial.Geschichte: Zeitschrift für Historische Analyse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, № 20/3, с. 67
  685. Baucom, Specters of the Atlantic: finance capital, slavery and the philosophy of history
    Publications on financial history 2005 (11)
  686. Gruzitï, Banki Belarusi, 70-e gody XIX-nachalo XX veka
  687. Horn, Money in wartime: France's financial preparations for the two World Wars, International History Rev., № 27/4, с. 709
  688. Emmerig, Geschichte ‘in die Hand genommen’. Die geschichtlichen Hilfswissenschaften zwischen historischer Grundlagenforschung und methodischen Herausforderungen; Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Geschichtslehrer Ende September 2004 in München, с. 195
  689. Fernández Romero, Gastos, ingresos y ahorro familiar: Navarra, 1561–1820
  690. Eigner, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa zwischen den Weltkriegen
  691. Geanakoplos, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 257
  692. James, Familienunternehmen in Europa: Haniel, Wendel und Falck
  693. Feinstein, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 427
  694. Aliber, The 35 most tumultuous years in monetary history: shocks, the transfer problem, and financial trauma, IMF Staff Papers, № 52, с. 142
    Publications on financial history 2005 (12)
  695. Quenouëlle-Corre, The state, banks and financing of investments in France from World War II to the 1970s, Financial History Rev., № 12/1, с. 63
  696. Tewes, Kurie und Region. Festschrift für Brigide Schwarz zum 65. Geburtstag, с. 209
  697. Nelson, Marx's theory of money, с. 65
  698. Fernandez, La politica monetaria y los ciclos economicos en Colombia en los ultimos 35 anos, Coyuntura economica, № 35/2, с. 101
  699. Barendregt, Europas Finanzzentren Jh., с. 97
  700. Díaz Hernández, Los hermanos Urquijo Ussía y la modernización española en el primer tercio del siglo XX, International J. of Iberian Studies, № 18–2, с. 85
  701. Mäkeler, Geldwertveränderungen als Auslöser innerstädtischer Konflikte im Spätmittelalter, Bremer Beiträge zur Münz- und Geldgeschichte, № 4, с. 81
  702. Le, Foreign direct investment, public expenditure and economic growth: the empirical evidence for the period 1970–2001, Applied Economics Letters, № 12/1, с. 45
  703. Menjot, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 123
  704. D'Angio, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation, с. 15
  705. Bull, To their credit: a history of the Association of Banking Teachers
  706. Guinnane, The origins of value, с. 327
  707. Beynet, La hausse récente des cours du pétrole: un troisième choc pétrolier pour nos économies, Regards sur l'actualité, № 314, с. 55
  708. Pons Pons, Large American Corporations in the Spanish Life Insurance Market, 1880–1922, J. of European Economic History, № 34–2, с. 467
  709. Conte, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 485
  710. Lushin, O funktsiiakh finansov. Istoricheskii aspect, Finansy, № 7, с. 54
  711. Straus, London and Paris, с. 313
  712. Lima De Cerqueira, Uma analise critica da literatura sobre a oferta e a circulacao de moeda metalica no Brasil nos seculos XVI e XVII, Estudos Economicos, № 35/1, с. 169
  713. Davis, Ricardo's macroeconomics: money, trade cycles and growth
  714. Urofsky, Money and free speech: campaign finance reform and the courts
  715. Grapperhaus, Over de loden last van het koperen fietsplaatje: de Nederlandse rijwielbelasting 1924–1941
  716. Eichengreen, Other people's money, с. 266
  717. Shiller, The origins of value, с. 239
  718. Casanova, Ouverture, société, pouvoir: de l'Edit de Nantes à la chute du communisme, с. 151
  719. Tobin, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 19
  720. Stack, A lost law of Henry II: the Assize of Oxford and monetary reform, Haskins Society J., № 16, с. 95
  721. Fischer, Finanzierung der kirchlichen Sendung. Das kanonische Recht und die Kirchenfinanzierungssysteme in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den USA
  722. Aglan, François Bloch-Lainé, с. 1
  723. Ogilvie, The use and abuse of trust: social capital and its deployment by early modern guilds, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 1, с. 15
  724. Slinn, Price controls or control through prices? Regulating the cost and consumption of prescription pharmaceuticals in the UK, 1948–67, Business History, № 47/3, с. 352
  725. Sandgruber, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 350
  726. Blondeau, Entreprises et histoire, № 39, с. 91
  727. Dimand, Celebrating Irving Fisher: the legacy of a great economist
  728. Di Matteo, Wealth and inequality on Ontario's Northwestern frontier: evidence from probate, Histoire Sociale – Social history, № 38/75, с. 79
  729. Jappelli, The life-cycle hypothesis, fiscal policy and social security, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Q. Rev., № 58/233–4, с. 173
  730. Restrepo Salazar, Finanzas y financistas
  731. Tortolero, Moneda, credito y exposiciones: el inasible triangulo de la modernidad en la agricultura mexicana, 1876–1920, Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas, № 42, с. 115
  732. Wennerlind, David Hume's monetary theory revisited: was he really a quantity theorist and an inflationist?, J. of Political Economy, № 113/1, с. 223
  733. Decker, Decolonising Barclays Bank DCO? Corporate Africanisation in Nigeria, 1945–69, J. of Imperial and Commonwealth History, № 33/3, с. 419
  734. Kuran, The logic of financial westernization in the Middle East, J. of Economic Behavior and Organization, № 56/4, с. 593
  735. Antonelli, Il denaro dello straniero, Sociologia, № 39/2, с. 91
  736. Goetzmann, The origins of value: the financial innovations that created modern capital markets, с. 123
  737. Dobson, The export-import bank and US foreign economic relations, Diplomatic History, № 29/2, с. 375
  738. Wilson, Réseaux économiques et construction européenne, с. 381
  739. Hickson, “Much ado about nothing”: the limitation of liability and the market for 19th century Irish bank stock, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/3, с. 459
  740. Garnaut, Is macroeconomics dead? Monetary and fiscal policy in historical context, Oxford Rev. of Economic Policy, № 21/4, с. 524
  741. Pino, Giovanni Malagodi banchiere, 1927–1952: atti del convegno: Fondazione Raffaele Mattioli, Milano, 20 ottobre 2004, с. 7
  742. Carnero Lorenzo, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 188
  743. Germer, Marx's theory of money, с. 21
  744. Zheng, Shanghai yinhang gonghui yu jindai zhongguo bizhi gaige shuping, Shixue Yuekan, № 2, с. 37
  745. Hall, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 93
  746. Genito, Principi e fondamenti di un paradigma storico della moneta e della stabilità finanziaria, Studi storici, № 46/1, с. 5
  747. Cox, Railway contractor becomes railway financier: Peto in the 1850s, J. of the Railway and Canal Historical Society, № 191, с. 20
  748. Denzel, Die Bozner Messen und ihr Zahlungsverkehr (1633–1850)
  749. Gaffeo, Requiem for the unit root in per capita real GDP? Additional evidence from historical data, Empirical economics, № 30/1, с. 37
  750. Montel, Justice et argent, с. 99
  751. Sumner, A history of American currency: with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money
  752. Leblang, Government partisanship, elections, and the stock market: examining American and British stock returns, 1930–2000, American J. of Political Science, № 49/4, с. 780
  753. Garnot, Justice et argent, с. 179
  754. Dailami, Global monetary conditions versus country-specific factors in the determination of emerging market debt spreads
    Publications on financial history 2005 (13)
  755. Schneider, Frankfurt am Main und die Geldkrise des 18. Jh, Scripta Mercaturae, № 39/1, с. 1
  756. Delhoumme, Une source d'histoire rurale à l’épreuve de la critique: les états des fonds limousins (XVIIIe siècle)', Archives en Limousin, № 23, с. 20
  757. Allen, The interpretation of single finds of English coins, 1279–1544, British Numismatic J., № 75, с. 50
  758. James, Europas Finanzzentren. Geschichte und Bedeutung im 20. Jh., с. 295
  759. Henisz, The worldwide diffusion of market-oriented infrastructure reform, 1977–1999, American Sociological Rev., № 70/6, с. 871
  760. Hoag, Deposit drains on “interest-paying” banks before financial crises, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/4, с. 567
  761. Denzel, Geschehenes und Geschriebenes. Studien zu Ehren von Günther S. Henrich und Klaus-Peter Matschke, с. 93
  762. Bazantová, Centrální bankovnictví v ceské historii po soucasnost: institucionální pohled
  763. Höpner, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus, с. 196
  764. Toms, Financial control, managerial control and accountability: evidence from the British cotton industry, 1700–2000, Accounting, Organizations and Society, № 30/7–8, с. 627
  765. Campbell, Marx's Theory of Money, с. 143
  766. Jeanne, Other people's money, с. 95
  767. Steiner, Zur Neuschatzung des Lebenshaltungskostenindex für die Vorkriegszeit des Nationalsozialismus, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 2, с. 129
  768. Federico, Not guilty? Agriculture in the 1920s and the great depression, J. of Economic History, № 65/4, с. 949
  769. Dimand, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 3
  770. Obstfeld, The trilemma in history: tradeoffs among exchange rates, monetary policies, and capital mobility, Rev. of Economics and Statistics, № 87/3, с. 423
  771. Depeyrot, Crises et inflation entre antiquité et Moyen Âge
  772. Schiffman, The valuation of coins in medieval Jewish jurisprudence, J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 27/2, с. 141
  773. Lewis, In partnership: KPMG'S 60 years in Hong Kong and 20 years in China
  774. Jeanne, Other people's money, с. 190
  775. Fréger, Justice et argent, с. 167
  776. Pagano, The Modigliani-Miller theorems: a cornerstone of finance, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Q. Rev., № 58/233–4, с. 237
  777. Flandreau, The ties that divide: a network analysis of the international monetary system, 1890–1910, J. of Economic History, № 65/4, с. 977
  778. Molina, Capital theory and the origins of the elasticity of substitution (1932–1935, Cambridge J. of Economics, № 29/3, с. 423
  779. Ahlström, Hammarskjöld, Sverige och Bretton Woods
  780. Abe de Jong, A history of corporate governance around the world: family business groups to professional managers, с. 467
  781. Poor, Money and its laws: embracing a history of monetary theories, and a history of the currencies of the United States
  782. Marsilio, Nel XVII secolo dei genovesi. La corrispondenza commerciale di Paolo Gerolamo Pallavicini nel triennio 1636–1638, Storia Economica, № 8/1, с. 101
  783. Schwinges, Finanzierung von Universität und Wissenschaft in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
  784. Endres, Architects of the international financial system
    Publications on financial history 2005 (14)
  785. Marti, Argentina y su insercion en el mundo financiero a fines de 1890. El sistema de bancos garantizados, Trimestre economico, № 77/285, с. 55
  786. Ways and means for replenishing the Indian exchequer
  787. Gómez-Galvarriato, Sacando la nuez de la cascara: los archivos de empresa como fuente para la historia: mi experiencia en los archivos de la CIVSA, la cidosa y la fundidora Monterrey, América Latina en la Historia Económica. Boletín de Fuentes, № 23, с. 25
  788. Ceva, Italia contemporanea, № 241
  789. Zanone, Malagodi, dalla banca al servizio dello Stato, Giovanni Malagodi banchiere, 1927–1952, с. 57
  790. Rigaudière, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 353
  791. Larguier, Le crédit en Catalogne au XVIIe siècle: les foires de change de Perpignan (1630–1651), Annales du Midi, № 117/251, с. 347
  792. Krause, Die Commerz- und Disconto-Bank 1870–1920/23
  793. Hammes, Thomas Edison's “except one”: the monetary views of Arthur Kitson revisited, J. of Economic Studies, № 32/1, с. 33
  794. Mazzoni, La deriva del capitalismo finanziario italiano: dalla cronaca giornalistica alla ricostruzione storica, Passato e Presente, № 22/63, с. 124
  795. O'Connell, Working-class consumer credit in the UK, 1925–60: the role of the check trader, Economic History Rev., № 58/2, с. 378
  796. Petro, El caso del Banco del Pacífico
  797. Bordo, Politica monetaria y precios de activos: una mirada retrospectiva a los momentos de auge en los mercados de valores de Estados Unidos en el pasado, Boletín, Centro de estudios monetarios latinoamericanos, № 51/1, с. 12
  798. Waesche, “Rational exuberance”. Wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Kommentare zu Finanzeuphorie und Gründeroptimismus während der New Economy, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 1, с. 165
  799. Delli Gatti, On the nature and causes of business fluctuations in Italy, 1861–2000, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/1, с. 81
  800. Fon-Vinkler, Iz istorii monetnogo dela v Rossii
  801. Zarate, Cambios en la estructura salarial: una historia desde la regresion Cuantilica, Monetaria, № 27/4, с. 339
  802. Bonin, Las estrategias de expansion de las cajas de ahorros francesas durante los siglos XIX y XX, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 93
  803. Leonardi, Una stagione ‘nera’ per il credito cooperativo: casse rurali e Raiffeisenkassen tra 1919 e 1945
  804. Noguchi, Interaction between tax and accounting practice: accounting for stock-in-trade, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/1, с. 1
  805. Figuera, Moltiplicatore dei depositi e offerta di moneta: elementi per una riflessione critica, Storia del pensiero economico, № 34/2, с. 39
  806. Isenmann, Die Verwaltung der päpstlichen Staatsschuld in der Frühen Neuzeit: Sekretariat, Computisterie und Depositerie der Monti vom 16. bis zum ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert
  807. Eitrheim, Historical monetary statistics for Norway, 1819–2003
  808. Denzel, Global and local aspects of pre-industrial inflations: new research on inflationary processes in XVIIIth century central Europe, J. of European Economic History, № 34/1, с. 149
  809. Vangermeersch, One hundred year selective history of the Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants: 1905–2005, with chronologies and memorabilia
  810. Watt, The management of capital by the Company of Scotland 1696–1707, J. of Scottish Historical Studies, № 25/2, с. 97
  811. Prats Albentosa, Innovacion y transformacion financiera: el papel de las cajas de ahorros en la region de Murcia, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 295
  812. Costabile, Money, cycles and capital formation: von Mises the “Austrian” v.s. Robertson the “Dynamist”, Cambridge J. of Economics, № 29/5, с. 685
  813. Gouron, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 291
  814. Vardy, The Bank of Canada: an illustrated history – La Banque du Canada: une histoire en images
  815. Nilsson, The founder, Andre Oscar Wallenberg (1816–1886). Swedish banker, politician and journalist
  816. Edvinsson, Growth, accumulation, crisis: with new macroeconomic data for Sweden 1800–2000
  817. Cancila, Alchimie finanziarie di una grande famiglia feudale nel primo secolo dell'età moderna, Mediterranea Ricerche Storiche, № 3/6, с. 69
  818. Kanada, Honkon ni okeru shoki kabushiki kaisha to kajin toshi, Rekishigaku Kenkyu, № 3, с. 9
  819. Hamilton, British naval policy, policy-makers and financial control, 1860–1945, War in History, № 12/4, с. 371
  820. Hardewyn, Les déterminants politiques, économiques et idéologiques du systême fiscal belge au XXe siècle, Histoire, Economie et Société, № 24/2, с. 279
  821. Gersch, Diawerbung der Sparkassen, Archiv und Wirtschaft, № 38/1, с. 26
  822. Clinquart, Les resources économiques de l'Intendance du Hainaut décrites par un contemporain dix ans avant la révolution, Valentiana, № 22, с. 11
  823. Bordo, Interest rate interactions in the classical gold standard, 1880–1914: was there any monetary independence?, J. of Monetary Economics, № 52/2, с. 307
  824. Jia-Ming, Leviathans: multinational corporations and the new global history, с. 203
  825. Wenzel, Justice et argent, с. 143
  826. Besirli, Tokat voyvodaligi (1774–1842), Belleten, № 69/254, с. 161
  827. Bordo, Other people's money, с. 122
  828. Fenwick, The poll taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381. Part 3, Wiltshire-Yorkshire: unidentified documents and additional data
  829. Stunz, Funktions- und Strukturwandel spätmittelalterlicher Hospitäler im europäischen Vergleich, с. 129
  830. Hewett, Taxation and the American Revolution, J. of Economics (MVEA), № 31/1, с. 1
  831. Kaplan, Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the creation of a dynasty: the critical years 1806–1816
    Publications on financial history 2005 (15)
  832. Grech, Flow of capital in the Mediterranean: financial connections between Genoa and hospitaller Malta in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, International J. of Maritime History, № 17/2, с. 193
  833. Kuokkanen, Se pikkuusen paree pankki: Töysän Säästöpankin historiaa sadan vuoden ajalta, 1905–2005
  834. Zinnbauer, Die Zins- und Steuerbücher des Pflegamtes Murach. Bd.2: Die murachischen Zinsbücher des 15. Jh.
  835. Rigby, The overseas trade of Boston in the reign of Richard II
  836. Denzel, Die Bozner Messen und ihr Zahlungsverkehr, 1633–1850
  837. Franz, Europas Finanzzentren, с. 149
  838. Ara, Banking in Islam: genesis and development from historical perspective, Hamdard Islamicus, № 28/2, с. 45
  839. Del Mar, A history of money in ancient countries, from the earliest times to the present
  840. Bonin, The Compagnie du canal de Suez and Transit Shipping, 1900–1956, International J. of Maritime History, № 27/2, с. 87
  841. De Francisco Olmos, La moneda y su utilizacion como documento politico en la Cataluña de la “guerra dels segadors” (1640–1652), Rev. General de Informacion y Documentacion, № 15/1, с. 149
  842. Turani, I quattro dell'OPA selvaggia
  843. González Arévalo, El Privilegio de Málaga de 1501
  844. Rolland, Les origines de la banque de Soissons, Mémoires du Soissonnais, № 5/3, с. 241
  845. Dale, Financial markets can go mad: evidence of irrational behaviour during the South Sea bubble, Economic History Rev., № 58/2, с. 233
  846. Wenzel, Justice et argent, с. 325
  847. Allen, The quantity of money in England 1180–1247: new data, British Numismatic J., № 75, с. 44
  848. Winkelried-Quezada, Tendencias comunes y analisis de la politica monetaria en el Peru, Monetaria, № 283, с. 279
  849. Dousset, Justice et argent, с. 53
  850. Jakubowski-Tiessen, Woher nehmen wir geldt zu den Küsten her…?’ Eine frühneuzeitliche Flutkatastrophe und ihre finanziellen Folgen, Siedlungsforschung, № 23, с. 91
  851. Walter, Depression-era bank failures: the great contagion or the great shakeout?, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Q., № 91/1, с. 39
  852. Atack, Capital deepening and the rise of the factory: the American experience during the nineteenth century, Economic History Rev., № 58/3, с. 586
  853. Samuel, Michel Debré, с. 119
  854. Homering, Schiller Zeit in Mannheim, с. 103
  855. Meissner, A new world order: explaining the international diffusion of the gold standard, 1870–1913, J. of International Economics, № 66/2, с. 385
  856. Mohanty, Money, output and price behavior in India under reforms: some empirical evidence, ICFAI J. of Monetary Economics, № 3/4, с. 56
  857. Nordhaus, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 367
  858. Ball, Remembering VE Day: money matters then and now. A collection of viewpoints about money management 1945–2005, featuring oral histories from World War II veterans and teenagers of Bedfordshire
  859. Baskes, Colonial institutions and cross-cultural trade: “repartimiento” credit and indigenous production of cochineal in eighteenth-century Oaxaca, Mexico, J. of Economic History, № 65/1, с. 186
  860. Herre, Die Fugger in ihrer Zeit
  861. De Cecco, Sraffa's lectures on continental banking: a preliminary appraisal, Rev. of Political Economy, № 17/3, с. 349
  862. Funnell, Critical and historical studies in accounting
  863. Wilkinson, Aiding students, buying students: financial aid in America
    Publications on financial history 2005 (16)
  864. D'or et d'argent. La monnaie en France du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Cycle de conférences tenues à Bercy entre le 22 octobre 2001 et le 18 février 2002
  865. Boch, Unternehmensgeschichte heute: Theorieangebote, Quellen, Forschungstrends: Beiträge des 4. unternehmensgeschichtlichen Kolloquiums
  866. Solbes Ferri, Teoría y práctica de administración y cobranza de rentas reales en Navarra (siglo XVIII), Investigaciones de Historia Económica, № 3, с. 73
  867. Barnard, Oral history interview of Rollin D. Barnard
  868. Homburg, Fortuna und Methode. Überlegungen zur Kulturgeschichte von Geld und Reichtum in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jh, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 92/1, с. 16
  869. Temin, Credit rationing and crowding out during the industrial revolution: evidence from Hoare's Bank, 1702–1862, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/3, с. 325
  870. Van Tielhof, The predecessors of ABN AMRO and the expropriation of Jewish assets in the Netherlands, Financial History Rev., № 12/1, с. 87
  871. Zubero, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 154
  872. Marietta, The politics of social accounting: public goals and the evolution of the national accounts in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, Rev. of Political Economy, № 17/2, с. 211
  873. Roesler, Die DDR in Europa – zwischen Isolation und Öffnung, с. 134
  874. Briggs, Taxation, warfare, and the early fourteenth century “crisis” in the North: Cumberland lay subsidies, 1332–1348, Economic History Rev., № 58/4, с. 639
  875. Mac Devitt, Irish banknotes: Irish paper money 1783–2005
  876. Boone, State, capital, and the politics of banking reform in Sub-Saharan Africa, Comparative Politics, № 37/4, с. 401
  877. Drelichman, All that glitters: precious metals, rent seeking and the decline of Spain, European Rev. of Economic History, № 9/3, с. 313
  878. Nougaret, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation, с. 33
  879. Mann, What's a penny worth? Wages, prices, and the American working man, Ethnography, № 6/3, с. 315
  880. Rapp, Arbeite, sammle, vermehre. Von der Ersten Oesterreichischen Spar-Casse zur Erste Bank
  881. Virén, Fiscal policy in the 1920s and 1930s: how much different is it from the post war period's policies?
  882. Rouwenhorst, The origins of value, с. 249
  883. Ruiz Rodríguez, Disputa y consenso en la administración fiscal castellana: Villanueva de los Infantes y el partido del Campo de Montiel c. 1600-c.1660
  884. Américi, Justice et argent, с. 199
  885. Feiertag, Les réseaux économiques dans le processus de construction européenne, с. 331
  886. Garnier, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 239
  887. Shirai, Growing problems in the local public finance system of Japan, Social Science Japan J., № 8/2, с. 213
  888. Pagano, Società e Storia, № 27, с. 531
  889. Gorodzeisky, Labor migration, remittances and household income: a comparison between Filipino and Filipina overseas workers, International Migration Rev., № 39/1, с. 45
  890. Mitchell, Accounting for a disappearance: a contribution to the history of the value added statement in the UK, Accounting Historians J., № 32/2, с. 173
  891. Fuga de divisas en la Argentina. Comisión Especial Investigadora de la Cámara de Diputados sobre Fuga de Divisas de la Argentina durante el año 2001
  892. Díaz Morlán, Capitalismo rentista y decadencia empresarial: la desaparicion de la casa Martinez Rivas (1913–1921), Rev. de Historia Industrial, № 14/3, с. 117
  893. Combs, “A measure of legal independence”: the 1870 Married Women's Property Act and the portfolio allocations of British wives, J. of Economic History, № 65/4, с. 1028
  894. Ziegler, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus, с. 276
  895. Bergère, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation, с. 187
  896. Joly, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation: les acteurs économiques et leurs archives
  897. Berson-Levinson, Soldier's individual pay record
  898. Boissellier, Sur quelques manuscrits concernant la fiscalité pontificale au Portugal, Archivum historiae pontificiae, № 43, с. 13
  899. Kamp, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 91
  900. Powell, Le dollar canadien: une perspective historique
  901. Duret, Les inventaires de 1906 dans le pays mareuillais. Les protestations, Au fil du Lay, № 46, с. 44
  902. Browne, Ionian Bank Limited: retro-conversion and digitisation project, Business Archives, № 91, с. 16
  903. Chamon, Other people's money, с. 218
  904. Fuchs, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 407
  905. Taylor, Commercial fraud and public men in Victorian Britain, Historical Research, № 78/200, с. 230
  906. Rojo Duque, Información Comercial Española, № 826, с. 73
  907. Daumas, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation, с. 61
  908. Chibber, “Capital outbound”, New Left Review, № 36, с. 151
  909. Joly, Les archives des entreprises sous l'occupation: conservation, accessibilité et apport
  910. Gómez Mendoza, El futuro de los archivos de empresa en Mexico en el espejo español, América Latina en la Historia Económica. Boletín de Fuentes, № 23, с. 77
  911. Colautti, A logistic growth theory of public expenditures: a study of five countries over 100 years, Public Choice, № 122/3–4, с. 355
  912. Ferguson, The origins of value, с. 313
  913. Lohmann, Das Steuerregister des Gemeinen Pfennigs für das Bistum Worms: Einleitung und Edition
  914. Mack Martin, State of Georgia treasury notes, treasury certificates, and bonds: a comprehensive collector's guide
  915. Margairaz, Faire l'histoire des entreprises sous l'occupation, с. 37
  916. Comin-Comin, El nuevo papel de la CECA y las cajas ante las mayores exigencias de financiacion del estado (1957–1963), Papeles de economía española, № 105–106, с. 27
  917. Artoni, Note sul debito pubblico italiano dal 1885 al 2001’, Seminario su Debito pubblico e formazione dei mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporanea, tenuto, a Cassino, il 15 e 16 ottobre 2004, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 65
  918. Marandet, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge, с. 109
  919. Tilly, Europas Finanzzentren. Geschichte und Bedeutung im 20. Jh., с. 223
  920. Glukhov, Vstuplenie Rossii v VTO kak ekonomicheskaia problema
  921. Graetz, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 245
  922. Campos, El cierre de la caja de conversion en 1929: una decision de politica economica, Desarrollo Económico, № 44/176, с. 537
  923. Danby, Noyola's institutional approach to inflation, J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 27/2, с. 161
  924. Meissner, Chinese capitalists versus the American flour industry, 1890–1910: profit and patriotism in international trade
  925. Saager, Schweizer Geld am Tafelberg. Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der Schweiz und Südafrika zwischen 1948 und 1994
  926. Menéndez Romero, El Banco de México y la reserva federal de Estados Unidos de América, FED
  927. Moore, Regime change and debt default: the case of Russia, Austro-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire following world war one, Explorations in Economic History, № 42/2, с. 237
  928. Nemtsev, Problemy globalizatsii sovremennogo obshchestva: materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 21 oktiabria 2005 goda
  929. Carrasco, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 173
  930. Nosova, Poisk putei preodoleniia infliatsii v nachale XIX veka, Finansy, № 7, с. 65
  931. Kloft, Money history vs. numismatics. Theodor Mommsen and the ancient coins, Historische Zeitschrift, № 281/3, с. 719
  932. Ruppert, International financial history in the twentieth century: system and anarchy, Historische Zeitschrift, № 281/2, с. 508
  933. Schaffer, L'inventaire de l'astronome. Le commerce d'instruments scientifiques au XVIIIe siècle (Angleterre-Chine-Pacifique), Annales, № 60/4, с. 791
  934. Saul, London and Paris, с. 119
  935. Shirokorad, V. M. Shtein o denezhnom obrashchenii v period Pervoi mirovoi voiny, Vestnik Sankt Peterburgskogo universiteta, № 2/13, с. 74
  936. Solimano, International migration, capital flows and the global economy: a long run view
  937. Soederberg, The transnational debt architecture and emerging markets: the politics of paradoxes and punishment, Third World Q., № 26/6, с. 927
  938. Valge, Estland und Russland. Aspekte der Beziehungen beider Länder, с. 157
  939. Surmann, Raubgold und die Restitutionspolitik der USA gegenüber der neutralen Schweiz, Sozial Geschichte, № 20/1, с. 57
  940. Proctor, The forgotten mint of colonial Panama: a look into the production of coins in America during the 16th century and Panma's Spanish royal house for minting coins
  941. Madsen, A century of economic growth: the social returns to investment in equipment and structures', Manchester School, № 73/1, с. 101
  942. Tschoegl, The California subsidiaries of Japanese banks: a genealogical history, J. of Asian Business, № 20/2, с. 59
  943. Powell, A history of the Canadian dollar
  944. Eitrheim, Tilbakeblikk på norsk pengehistorie: konferanse 7. juni 2005 på Bogstad gård: historisk-monetær statistikk for Norge
  945. Piluso, Mediobanca: tra regole e mercato
  946. Toms, Divergence and convergence within anglo-american corporate governance systems: evidence from the US and UK, 1950–2000, Business History, № 47/2, с. 267
  947. Lasso Valdés, Anécdotas y testimonios sobre la crisis bancaria en Panamá, 1987–1990
  948. Eigner, Privatbankiers in Mitteleuropa zwischen den Weltkriegen
  949. Vanoli, A history of national accounting
  950. Villegas Revueltas, Deuda y diplomacia: la relación México-Gran Bretaña, 1824–1884
  951. Von der Heydt Coca, Andean silver and the rise of the western world, Critical Sociology, № 31/4, с. 481
  952. Kwon, Targeting public spending in a new democracy: evidence from South Korea, British J. of Political Science, № 35/2, с. 321
  953. Turull Rubinat, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 511
  954. Köhler, Ernst II. von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg. Ein Herrscher im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, с. 111
  955. Weins, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus, с. 484
  956. Garegnani, On a turning point in Sraffa's theoretical and interpretative position in the late 1920s, European J. of the History of Economic Thought, № 12/3, с. 453
  957. Wood, A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States
  958. Jurado Sánchez, La economía de la Corte. El gasto de la Casa Real en la Edad Moderna, 1561–1808
  959. Woodruff, Boom, gloom, doom: balance sheets, monetary fragmentation, and the politics of financial crisis in Argentina and Russia, Politics and Society, № 33/1, с. 3
  960. Takahashi, Tanki ichiba kinri seitei kodo: saiken kinhon isei sh*ta no rondon to nyu yoku ichiba, Shakai-Keizai Shigaku, № 71/3, с. 49
  961. Zaballa Lazo, Economía de guerra: crisis de hegemonía mundial
  962. Staudinger, In eigener Sache. Frauen vor den höchsten Gerichten des Alten Reiches, с. 153
  963. Bytheway, Nihon keizai to gaikoku shihon: 1858–1939
  964. Adams, Parteienfinanzierung in Deutschland. Entwicklung der Einnahmestrukturen politischer Parteien oder eine Sittengeschichte über Parteien, Geld und Macht
  965. Biget, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge, с. 311
  966. Bordone, Lombardi in Europa nel Medioevo
  967. Genet, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 571
  968. Gómez Biscarri, Exchange rate behavior and exchange rate puzzles: why the 18th century might help, Rev. de Historia Económica, № 23/1, с. 143
  969. Grubmüller, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 9
  970. Kluge, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 18
  971. Burrow, Lady Meed and the power of money, Medium Aevum, № 74/1, с. 113
  972. Tribe, Constructing national income in Britain, History of Economic Thought, № 47/1, с. 1
  973. Le Goff, Kaufleute und Bankiers im Mittelalter
  974. Menjot, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge. 4, La gestion de l'impôt: méthodes, moyens, résultats: Occident méditerranéen
  975. Middleton, Early medieval port customs, tolls and controls on foreign trade, Early Medieval Europe, № 13/4, с. 313
  976. Murray, Chapters in the history of bookkeeping, accountancy and commercial arithmetic
  977. Schmidt, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 52
  978. Nash, The Atlantic economy during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: organization, operation, practice, and personnel, с. 95
  979. Scordia, ‘Le roi doit vivre du sien’: la théorie de l'impôt en France, XIIIe-XVe siècles
  980. Stock, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 34
  981. Waquet, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 579
  982. Andresen, Sikker som banken? Tillit og spareadferd i Russland 1991–1998, Nordisk Ost-Forum, № 19/3, с. 307
  983. Larguier, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 63
  984. Boyce, Over half a million careful owners: a 75 year history of PSIS, 1928–2003
  985. Koegel, History of Women's Fund of Central Indiana
  986. Gullbekk, Natural and money economy in medieval Norway, Scandinavian J. of History, № 30/1, с. 3
  987. Flandreau, Monetary union, trade integration, and business cycles in 19th century Europe, Open Economies Rev., № 16/2, с. 135
  988. Allen, Salaries of mint and exchange officials in the long cross recoinage of 1247–50, British Numismatic J., № 75, с. 173
  989. Maixe-Altes, Cajas de ahorros y desarrollo regional. Aspectos diferenciales de los sistemas financieros gallego y asturiano, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 254
  990. Campagnolo, Carl Menger's “money as measure of value”: an introduction, History of Political Economy, № 37/2, с. 233
  991. Conchon, Entreprises et histoire, № 38, с. 55
  992. Baltzarek, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 12
  993. Dunn, Medieval East Anglia, с. 99
  994. Clesse, Kooperative Bonnweg – ein Relikt der Arbeiterbewegung, Ons Stad Luxembourg, № 79, с. 26
  995. Ciara, Finansowe klopoty Galicyjskich uczonych na przelomie XIX i XX w, Przeglad Historyczny, № 96/4, с. 573
  996. Faraday, Herefordshire taxes in the reign of Henry VIII
  997. Gutierrez Nieto, CIRIEC Espana, Rev. de Economia Publica, Social y Cooperativa, № 51, с. 25
  998. Eichengreen, Global dysequilibrium and the lessons of Bretton Woods, Desarrollo Economico – Rev. de Ciencias Sociales, № 44/176, с. 619
  999. Gil-Alana, A re-examination of historical real daily wages in England: 1260–1994, J. of Policy Modeling, № 27/7, с. 829
  1000. Wiséhn, Mynt till ära och minne: svenska jubileums- och minnesmynt
  1001. Hurst, Sheep in the Cotswolds: the medieval wool trade
  1002. Clark, The efficiency gains from site value taxes: the Tithe commutation act of 1836, Explorations in economic history, № 42/2, с. 282
  1003. Boone, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge. 4, La gestion de l'impôt
  1004. Tiberi, Investimenti internazionali e sviluppo del sistema capitalistico: l'evoluzione degli scambi commerciali della Gran Bretagna (1700–1913)
  1005. Biget, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 255
  1006. Horn, J. P. Morgan and Co., the house of Morgan and Europe 1933–1939, Contemporary European History, № 14/4, с. 519
  1007. Raev, Chtoby imet’ boesposobnye vooruzhennye sily, nuzhno umet' schitat' i ekonomno raskhodovat' denezhnye sredstva' [In order to have efficient armed forces, it is necessary to be able to calculate and disburse funds economically], Voenno Istoricheskii Zhurnal, № 1, с. 34
  1008. Bochaca, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 281
  1009. Bochaca, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge, с. 161
  1010. Carrotta, Debito pubblico e mercati finanziari tra età moderna e contemporanea in Convegno sul debito pubblico e il mercato finanziario in età moderna e contemporanea, tenuto, a Cassino, il 7 e 8 ottobre 2005, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 143
  1011. Butaud, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge, с. 221
  1012. Bayard, Justice et argent, с. 155
  1013. Charbonnier, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 335
  1014. Dupuis, Guide to monetary policies of the main industrialized and emerging countries
  1015. Claustre, Justice et argent: les crimes et les peines pécuniaires du XIIIe au XXIe siècle, с. 131
  1016. Brambilla, Grandi banche e modelli creditizi in Italia, Francia e Germania tra XIX e XX secolo, Annali di Storia dell'Impresa, № 15–16, с. 425
  1017. Lawson, Save the pennies! Savings banks and the working class in mid nineteenth-century Lancashire, Local Historian, № 35/3, с. 168
  1018. Gordon, Wei da de bo yi: Huàerjie jin rong di guo de ju qi [The great game: the emergence of Wall Street as a world power (1653–2000)]
  1019. Cornu, Naissance et premiers développements de la fiscalité royale et fouage ducal bourguignon au XVIe siècle, D'or et d'argent, с. 111
  1020. Avallone, Tra teoria e pratica. Il credito agrario nel regno di Napoli nella seconda metà del XVIII secolo, Riv. di Storia dell' Agricoltura, № 45/2, с. 3
  1021. Favier, 5 décembre 1360: la naissance du franc, D'or et d'argent, с. 1
  1022. Furió, Le crédit dans les registres notariaux de la région de Valence au bas Moyen Age, Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome, № 117/1, с. 407
  1023. Furió, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 39
  1024. Tulard, Le franc germinal, D'or et d'argent, с. 35
  1025. Guilleré, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 469
  1026. Homer, A history of interest rates
  1027. Paris, Capitations de la communauté de Boissezon-de-Masciel, année 1698, Cahiers de Rieumontagné, № 55, с. 61
  1028. Hoareau, Justice et argent, с. 225
  1029. Lory, Un grand chantier communautaire en Macédoine: l'eglise Saint-Demetre de Bitola-Manastir (1830), Rev. des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, № 107, с. 245
  1030. Hébert, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 527
  1031. Mehrling, Fischer Black and the revolutionary idea of finance: John Wiley and Sons
  1032. Larguier, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge, с. 145
  1033. Robertson, The aesthetics of authenticity. Printed Banknotes as industrial currency, Technology and Culture, № 46/1, с. 31
  1034. Lavigne, Assigner et fiscaliser les terres au moyen age. Trois exemples, Etudes rurales, № 175–6, с. 81
  1035. Abreu Bolzan, Tribunal de Contas do Estado: Estado do Rio Grande do Sul: 70 anos, 1935–2005
  1036. Mayade-Claustre, Le corps lié de l'ouvrier. le travail et la dette à Paris au XVe siècle, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, № 60/2, с. 383
  1037. Menjot, La fiscalité des villes au moyen âge. 4, La gestion de l'impôt: méthodes, moyens, résultats: Occident méditerranéen, с. 97
  1038. Blaufarb, Vers une histoire de l'exemption fiscale nobiliaire la Provence des années 1530 à 1789, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, № 60/6, с. 1203
  1039. Reyerson, Jacques Coeur: entrepreneur and king's bursar
    Publications on financial history 2005 (17)
  1040. Bonin, Marque et image de marque bancaires. L'enjeu de la confiance, xixe-xxe siècles, A nos marques, Horizons bancaires, № 325, с. 7
  1041. Gelderblom, The origins of value, с. 189
  1042. Luckett, Imaginary currency and real guillotines: the intellectual origins of the financial terror in France, Historical Reflections, № 31/1, с. 117
  1043. Nadan, The competitive advantage of moneylenders over banks in rural Palestine, J. of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, № 1, с. 1
  1044. Tiberi, The accounts of the British empire: capital flows from 1799 to 1914
    Publications on financial history 2005 (18)
  1045. Venus, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 268
  1046. Yante, Justice et argent, с. 15
  1047. Lambertini, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 216
  1048. Fouquet, Das Hansische Kontor zu Bergen und die Lübecker Bergenfahrer. International Workshop Lübeck 2003, с. 140
  1049. Görich, Geld im Mittelalter, с. 113
  1050. Graafen, Porträt einer europäischen Kernregion. Der Rhein-Maas-Raum in historischen Lebensbildern, с. 101
  1051. Desan, The market as a matter of money: Denaturalizing economic currency in American constitutional history, Law and Social Inquiry J. of the American Bar Foundation, № 30/1, с. 1
  1052. Ren, Shishu wanzing hubu yinku zhidu yu gengzi zhi hou de biange, Qing Shi Yanjiu, № 2, с. 44
  1053. Petry, Münzen machen Wirtschaftsgeschichte: zum Fund eines Trierer Pfennigs Königs Ottos III. (983–996) aus Trier, Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier, № 37, с. 58
  1054. Magan, Latin American bank note records: American Bank Note Company archives
  1055. Reitemeier, Pfarrkirchen in der Stadt des späten Mittelalters: Politik, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung
    Publications on financial history 2005 (19)
  1056. Armstrong, Usury and public debt in early Renaissance Florence: Lorenzo Ridolfi on the Monte Comune
  1057. Cheney, Finances, philosophical history and the “empire of climate”: Enlightenment historiography and political economy, Historical reflections–Réflexions historiques, № 31/1, с. 141
  1058. Blomquist, Merchant families, banking and money in medieval Lucca
  1059. Boucheron, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 543
  1060. Chittolini, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 305
  1061. Piola Caselli, Note sul debito pubblico nello Stato Pontificio (secoli XVI-XVIII) in Seminario su Debito pubblico e formazione dei mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporanea, tenuto, a Cassino, il 15 e 16 ottobre 2004, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 133
  1062. Demo, “Tengo dinari li quali trafego in lo me bancho”. L'attività di Giovanni Orsato, banchiere padovano del XV secolo, Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni, № 54, с. 341
  1063. De Goede, Virtue, fortune, and faith: a genealogy of finance
  1064. Ginatempo, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 193
  1065. Märtl, Kurie und Region. Festschrift für Brigide Schwarz zum 65. Geburtstag, с. 175
  1066. Mainoni, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 219
  1067. Parks, Medici money: banking, metaphysics, and art in fifteenth-century Florence
  1068. McGuire, Exchange banks, India and the world economy: 1850–1914, Asian Studies Rev., № 29/2, с. 143
  1069. AA, Papeles de Economía Española, с. 105
  1070. Gullbekk, The size of coinage in medieval Norway, Historisk Tidsskrift, № 84/4, с. 551
  1071. Vester, Perché l'autonomia istituzionale non significò meno tasse nella Bresse savoiarda (1560–1580), Quaderni storici, № 118/1, с. 41
  1072. Rubio Lara, Justice et argent, с. 319
  1073. Baker, English bank business loans, 1920–1968: transaction bank characteristics and small firm discrimination, Financial History Rev., № 12/2, с. 135
  1074. Okeahalam, Strategic alliances and mergers of financial exchanges: the case of the SADC, J. of Southern African Studies, № 31/1, с. 75
  1075. Pezzolo, The origins of value: the financial innovations that created modern capital markets, с. 145
  1076. Van de Mieroop, The origins of value, с. 17
  1077. Abildgren, Interest-rate development in Denmark 1875–2003, Nationallkonomisk tidsskrift, № 143/2, с. 153
  1078. Spicciani, L'ospedale lucchese di Altopascio: storia economica e finanziaria nei secoli XI-XII
  1079. Collantes Deterán Sánchez, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 331
  1080. Landesmann, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 456
  1081. Martín Escudero, El tesoro de Baena: reflexiones sobre circulación monetaria en época omeya
  1082. Kenyeres, Kaiser Ferdinand I. Ein mitteleuropäischer Herrscher, с. 111
  1083. Homburg, Fortuna und Methode. Überlegungen zur Kulturgeschichte von Geld und Reichtum in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, № 92/1, с. 16
  1084. Cardoso, Isaac de Pinto (1717–1787): an enlightened economist and financier, History of Political Economy, № 37/2, с. 263
  1085. Ingrassia, Money and sexuality in the Enlightenment: George Lillo's “The London Merchant”, Historical Reflections, № 31/1, с. 93
  1086. Anderson, Constructing the “well qualified” chartered accountant in England and Wales, Accounting Historians J., № 32/2, с. 5
  1087. Orti Gost, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 453
  1088. Potekhina, St. Peter's qualification in the tax system of medieval papacy, Klio, № 1/28, с. 65
  1089. Kubik, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, с. 415
  1090. Grubmüller, Geld im Mittelalter: Wahrnehmung – Bewertung – Symbolik
  1091. Caillou, Une administration royale d'Ancien Régime: le bureau des finances de Tours
  1092. Adams, The familial state: ruling families and merchant capitalism in early modern Europe
  1093. Cordes, Das Gedächtnis der Hansestadt Lübeck. Festschrift für Antjekathrin Graßmann zum 65. Geburtstag, с. 517
  1094. Kalinski, Bank Austria Creditanstalt. 150 Jahre österreichische Bankengeschichte im Zentrum Europa, с. 253
  1095. Knudsen, The politics of financing the community and the fate of the first British membership application, J. of European Integration History, № 11/2, с. 11
  1096. Kovalev, Sushchnost’ i funktsii finansov firmy' [Finance of a firm: essence and functions], Vestnik Sankt Peterburgskogo universiteta, № 1/5, с. 61
  1097. Gordon, Dematerialization principle: sociability, money and music in the eighteenth century, Historical Reflections, № 31/1, с. 71
  1098. Mauerer, Zeitenblicke, № 2/11
  1099. Feldman, Entehrt. Ausgeplündert. Arisiert. Entrechtung und Enteignung der Juden, с. 17
  1100. Le Page, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 119
  1101. Goetzmann, The origins of value: the financial innovations that created modern capital markets, с. 123
  1102. MacKillop, Accessing empire: Scotland, Europe, Britain, and the Asia trade, 1695 – c. 1750, Itinerario, № 29/3, с. 7
  1103. Kanazawa, Immigration, exclusion, and taxation: anti-Chinese legislation in gold rush California, J. of Economic History, № 65/3, с. 779
  1104. Poterba, The origins of value, с. 207
  1105. Del Grosso, Un banco ebraico a Salerno al tempo di Carlo V, Rassegna Storica Salernitana, № 43, с. 87
  1106. Schlunk, Business tax stories
  1107. Hansen, The origins of value, с. 43
  1108. Richard, The concept of fair value in French and German accounting regulations from 1673 to 1914 and its consequences for the interpretation of the stages of development of capitalist accounting, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, № 16/6, с. 825
  1109. Van Zanden, De timmerman, de boekdrukker en het ontstaan van de Europese kenniseconomie over de prijs en het aanbod van kennis voor de industriele revolutie, Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis, № 2/1, с. 105
  1110. Braun, Die älteste Rechnung des Bürgerspitals von 1495
  1111. Acquisti, Conditioning prices on purchase history, Marketing Science, № 24/3, с. 367
  1112. Gay, Justice et argent, с. 247
  1113. Weissen, Tradition, Innovation, Invention. Fortschrittsverweigerung und Fortschrittsbewußtsein im Mittelalter, с. 161
  1114. Fornasari, Un progetto bancario post-unitario: la Banca d'emissione per l'Alta Italia, Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni, № 55, с. 243
  1115. Best, The Limits of Transparency: Ambiguity and the History of International Finance
    Publications on financial history 2005 (20)
  1116. Perlinge, Sockenbankirerna: kreditrelationer och tidig bankverksamhet: Vånga socken i Skåne 1840–1900
  1117. Westermann, The road to Japan: social and economic aspects of early European–Japanese contacts, с. 63
  1118. Sihag, Kautilya on public goods and taxation, History of Political Economy, № 37/4, с. 723
  1119. Speelman, War, society and enlightenment: the works of General Lloyd
    Publications on financial history 2005 (21)
  1120. Edvinsson, Den svenska konjunkturcykeln 1700–2000, Ekonomisk debatt, № 33/8, с. 6
  1121. Sanchez Fung, Exchange rates, monetary policy and interest rates in the Dominican Republic during the 1990s boom and new millennium crisis, J. of Latin American Studies, № 37/4, с. 727
  1122. De Blic, Moraliser l'argent. Ce que Panama a changé dans la société française, 1889–1897, Politix, № 18/71, с. 61
  1123. Abramson, Building the Bank of England: money, architecture, society, 1694–1942
  1124. Williams, Earnings, poor relief and the economy of makeshifts: Bedfordshire in the early years of the new poor law, Rural History, № 16/1, с. 21
  1125. Yeandle, Sir Edward Dering of Surrenden Dering and his “Booke of expences”, 1617–1628, Archaeologia Cantiana, № 125, с. 323
  1126. Hutchings, Hoare bankers: a history of the Hoare banking dynasty
  1127. Legay, Justice et argent, с. 189
  1128. Morgan, Remittance procedures in the eighteenth-century British slave trade, Business History Rev., № 79/4, с. 715
  1129. Murphy, Lotteries in the 1690s: investment or gamble?, Financial History Rev., № 12/2, с. 227
  1130. Tanner, Europas Finanzzentren, с. 127
  1131. Murphy, The origins of value, с. 225
  1132. Özen, Neogramsiyan hegemonya yaklasimi çerçevesinde güç ve global finans: pax britannica'daki büyük dönüsüm, Uluslararasi iliskiler, № 2/8, с. 3
  1133. Rogers, Prosperous – but precarious: property deeds and mortgages in a small market town in the 18th and 19th centuries, Family and Community History, № 8/2, с. 105
  1134. Eichengreen, Other people's money, с. 13
  1135. Rorke, The Scottish herring trade, 1470–1600, Scottish Historical Rev., № 84/2, с. 149
  1136. Marichal, Crisis y alternativas de la banca de desarrollo en México, с. 23
  1137. Amt, The great roll of the pipe for the eighth year of the reign of King Henry III, Michaelmas 1224
  1138. Smail, Credit, risk, and honor in eighteenth-century commerce, J. of British Studies, № 44/3, с. 439
  1139. Thomas, Devizes in the eighteenth century: the evidence from fire insurance records, Archives, № 113, с. 75
  1140. Foley, Marx's theory of money, с. 36
  1141. Moore, “Our Irish copper-farthen dean”: Swift's “Drapier's letters”, the “forging” of a modernist Anglo-Irish literature and the Atlantic world of paper credit, Atlantic Studies, № 2/1, с. 65
  1142. Tracy, The Low Countries in the sixteenth century: Erasmus, religion and politics, trade and finance
  1143. Van Nieuwkerk, Hollands gouden glorie: de financiëlkracht van Nederland door de eeuwen heen
  1144. Antonetti, ‘Du louis à l'assignat’, D'or et d'argent. La monnaie en France du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Cycle de conférences tenues à Bercy entre le 22 octobre 2001 et le 18 février 2002, с. 17
  1145. Hixson, Triumph of the bankers: money and banking in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
  1146. Bayard, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 379
  1147. Arnoldus, Business History, № 47/4, с. 553
  1148. Baron, Justice et argent, с. 179
  1149. Bergier, La banque protestante en France: de la révocation de l'Édit de Nantes à la Révolution
  1150. Blanchard, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 435
  1151. Kuder, Portare i soldi in Svizzera: contrabbando di capitali ed evasione fiscale nell'Italia del boom, Contemporanea, № 7, с. 609
  1152. Brumont, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 403
  1153. Hui, Tax and fee reform, village autonomy, and central and local finance historical experience and realistic options, Chinese Economy, № 38/6, с. 3
  1154. Bugeaud, Quand les bargers se font monnayeurs: une “aristocratie” chez les pêcheurs de l'estuaire de la Loire au XVIIIe siècle, Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest, № 112/4, с. 43
  1155. Diedler, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 139
  1156. Tobin, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 113
  1157. Carroll, Justice et argent, с. 237
  1158. Bootle, Money for nothing: real wealth, financial fantasies, and the economy of the future
  1159. Sanchez Torres, The failure of the Spanish crown's fiscal monopoly over Tobacco in Catalonia during the XVIIIth century, J. of European Economic History, № 34/3, с. 721
  1160. Paulet, European banking: historical roots and modern challenges
  1161. Larsson, Sveriges finansministrar 1840–2005
  1162. Coudray, Les prévôts royaux, Cahiers du Passé, № 28, с. 34
  1163. Aboites, Penuria sin fin: historia de los impuestos en México siglos XVIII-XX
  1164. Bogart, Did turnpike trusts increase transportation investment in eighteenth-century England?, J. of Economic History, № 65/2, с. 439
  1165. Coulomb, Justice et argent, с. 125
  1166. Desan, Jean Bodin et l'imaginaire de la monnaie, L'oeuvre de Jean Bodin, с. 293
  1167. Dessert, Les Daliès de Montauban: une dynastie protestante de financiers sous Louis XIV
  1168. Bank, Business tax stories
  1169. Roth, Germany and the Americas: culture, politics, and history: a multidisciplinary encyclopedia, с. 61
  1170. Schenk, London and Paris, с. 207
  1171. Morelló Baget, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 399
  1172. Dormard, Le marché du crédit à Douai aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Rev. du Nord, № 87/362, с. 803
  1173. Follain, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 548
  1174. Oakley, The people's budget in the North and Squire Thelluson of Brodsworth Hall, Northern History, № 42/2, с. 329
  1175. Follain, L'impôt des campagnes, fragile fondement de l'Etat dit moderne (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Actes du Colloque tenu à Bercy, Paris: 2–3 décembre 2002
  1176. Ghazaleh, Commis, artisans, ouvriers. Les métamorphoses du salariat dans l'Egypte du XIXe siècle, Rev. du monde musulman et de la Mediterranée, № 105–6, с. 47
  1177. Glineur, Entre libéralisme et protectionnisme: la politique pré-libérale du contrôleur général Moreau de Séchelles, La Rev. Administrative, № 345, с. 290
  1178. Hickey, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 199
  1179. Houllemare, Justice et argent, с. 29
  1180. Larguier, Justice et argent, с. 41
  1181. Larguier, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 69
  1182. Woodward, Maestro: Greenspan's Fed and the American boom
  1183. Legay, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 311
  1184. Solomou, Effective exchange rates in Britain, J. of Economic History, № 65/3, с. 850
  1185. Mittag, Friedrich Carl von Oppenheim und die europäische Einigung, с. 31
  1186. Cuevas Casana, La historia economica de las cajas de ahorros espanolas. Una perspectiva institucional y regional de ahorro, 1830–2004, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 6
  1187. Maillard, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 481
  1188. Lanza García, Fiscalidad real en Cantabria: alcabalas, cientos y millones en la época de los Austrias, Investigaciones de Historia Económica, № 3, с. 43
  1189. Chor, Institutions, wages, and inequality: the case of Europe and its periphery (1500–1899), Explorations in Economic History, № 42/4, с. 547
  1190. Pascal, Jean Bardon (1740–1815), dernier trésorier de France de Montpellier. Histoire d'une ascension sociale manquée, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier, № 29, с. 5
  1191. Pichon, La taille tarifée dans quatre paroisses du Haut-Poitou: approche statistique d'un essai de répartition de l'impôt au XVIIIe siècle, Rev. Historique du Centre-Ouest, № 3/1, с. 129
  1192. Tremblay, Controlled consumption: control of prices and rationing during the Second World War, Rev. d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française, № 58/4, с. 569
  1193. Spang, The ghost of law: speculating on money, memory and Mississippi in the French constituent assembly, Historical Reflections, № 31/1, с. 3
  1194. Volpi, Breve storia del mercato finanziario italiano: dal 1861 a oggi
  1195. Brecht, Kontinuität und Zäsur. Ernst von Wettin und Albrecht von Brandenburg, с. 391
  1196. Bünz, Das Mainzer Subsidienregister für Thüringen von 1506
  1197. Vogeler, Tax accounting in the late medieval German territorial states, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/3, с. 235
  1198. Chocholac, Untertanen, Herrschaft und Staat in Böhmen und im “Alten Reich”. Sozialgeschichtliche Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit, с. 89
  1199. Janssen, Beobachtungen zur Struktur und Finanzierung des kurkölnischen Hofes im späten 14. und frühen 15. J, Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter, № 69, с. 104
  1200. Di Taranto, Finanze e debito pubblico in Italia tra età moderna e contemporanea in Seminario su Debito pubblico e formazione dei mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporanea, tenuto, a Cassino, il 15 e 16 ottobre 2004, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 137
  1201. Münch, Die Entwicklung der Rostocker Fahnenzahl und der Stadtbrand von 1677, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Stadt Rostock, № 27, с. 51
  1202. Nadler, Von Kaisers Gnaden. 500 Jahre Pfalz-Neuburg. Katalog zur Bayerischen Landesausstellung 2005, Neuburg an der Donau, 3. Juni–16. Oktober 2005, с. 126
  1203. Nagel, ‘Physica et historia’. Festschrift für Andreas Kleinert zum 65. Geburtstag, с. 163
  1204. Püschel, Geschichte der Stadt Dresden. Bd.1: Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des Dreißigjährigen Krieges, с. 365
  1205. Sarcinelli, Politica bancaria e sviluppo economico: rileggendo l'era menichelliana e quella attuale, Moneta e Credito, № 58/229, с. 3
  1206. Chiese, Proprietari ed inquilini a Verona a metà seicento, Società e Storia, № 109, с. 477
  1207. Rheinheimer, The captains’ money: capital and credit on the North Frisian islands of Amrum and Föhr, 1763–1812', International J. of Maritime History, № 17/2, с. 141
  1208. Schobel, Benevolent governance and fiscal federalism in Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff's Teutscher Fursten Stat (1656): comment on Erik S. Reinert, European J. of Law and Economics, № 19/3, с. 231
  1209. Bazzocco, 1943–1947: à la recherche du précieux franc suisse: l'invasion des contrebandiers à la frontière suisse-italienne, Gavroche, № 24/144, с. 9
  1210. Schneider, Zum Frankfurter Geldhandel während des Siebenjährigen Krieges, Scripta Mercaturae, № 39/2, с. 55
  1211. Ullmann, Der deutsche Steuerstaat. Geschichte der öffentlichen Finanzen vom 18. Jh. bis heute
  1212. Battistini, La produzione, il commercio e i prezzi della seta grezza nello Stato di Firenze 1489–1859, Riv. di Storia Economica, № 21/3, с. 233
  1213. Ferguson, London and Paris, с. 57
  1214. McIntosh, Women, credit, and family relationships in England, 1300–1620, J. of Family History, № 30/2, с. 143
  1215. Boldizzoni, La rivoluzione dei prezzi rivisitata: moneta ed economia reale in Alta Italia (1550–1630)', Riv. Storica Italiana, № 117/3, с. 1002
  1216. Cenni, Liber/libra: il mercato del libro manoscritto nel Medioevo italiano
  1217. Clerici, Pagamenti in natura, velocita di circolazione della moneta e rivoluzione dei prezzi, Riv. di Storia Economica, № 21/2, с. 155
  1218. Karlen, Versicherungen in Liechtenstein zur Zeit des, Nationalsozialismus. Untersuchungen zu nachrichtenlosen Vermögenswerten bei liechtensteinischen Banken in der NS-Zeit: Bericht der Ernst and Young AG gemäss Mandatsverträgen vom 9. Juli 2002 und 5. Mai 2003 zwischen der Unabhängigen Historikerkommission Liechtenstein Zweiter Weltkrieg und der Ernst and Young AG
  1219. Stöber, Die Ökonomie der “Dépense”. Vitalistisches und ökonomisches Wissen im 19. Jahrhundert (Balzac, Zola, Bataille), Grenzgänge. Beiträge zu einer modernen Romanistik, № 12/23, с. 22
  1220. Pang, The history of rates in Hong Kong: a brief rev. of 160 years of rating in Hong Kong
  1221. Oddo, L'intrigo: banche e risparmiatori nell'era Fazio
  1222. Eltis, Money and general gluts: the analysis of Say, Malthus, and Ricardo, History of Political Economy, № 37/4, с. 661
  1223. Michelin, Les problèmes méthodologiques posés par les sources comptables: 57 registres de comptes municipaux de Pont-Audemer et leurs annexes (1447–1551), Histoire et Archives, № 15, с. 135
  1224. Colzi, Mercato finanziario e debito pubblico a Roma fra Cinque e Seicento in Seminario su Debito pubblico e formazione dei mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporaneatenuto, a Cassino, il 15 e 16 ottobre', Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 49
  1225. Fanfani, Alle origini della banca. Il sentiero del credito in Italia tra il XVIII e il XX secolo, Bancaria, № 61/1, с. 7
  1226. Woodall, What price the poor? William Booth, Karl Marx and the London residuum
  1227. Hocquet, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 15
  1228. Quiroz, Entre el lujo y la subsistencia: mercado, abastecimiento y precios de la carne en la ciudad de México, 1750–1812
  1229. Landberg, I växelbruk: Dag Hammarskjöld mellan arbetslöshetsutredningen, riksbanken och finansdepartementet under 1930-talet
  1230. Lentini, Dal commercio alla finanza: i negozianti-banchieri inglesi nella Sicilia Occidentale tra XVIII e XIX secolo, Mediterranea Ricerche Storiche, № 1/2, с. 105
  1231. Cassiano, Uma analise da dinamica inflacionaria Brasileira, Rev. brasileira de economia, № 59/4, с. 535
  1232. Klotter, A 100-year partnership: Hyden Citizens Bank and Leslie County, 1904–2004
  1233. Clark, Financial valuation of the German model: the negative relationship between ownership concentration and stock market returns, 1997–2001, Economic Geography, № 81/1, с. 11
  1234. Pino, Beneficenza a risparmio, с. 8
  1235. Alonso García, Una corte en construcción: Madrid en la Hacienda Real de Castilla (1517–1556)
  1236. Masini, Il debito pubblico pontificio a fine Seicento: i monti camerali
  1237. AA., Historia de las cajas de ahorros, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 2
  1238. Silvano, A beneficio dei poveri: il Monte di pietà di Padova tra pubblico e privato, 1491–1600
  1239. Berry, Institutional investment in rental housing in Australia: a policy framework and two models, Urban Studies, № 42/1, с. 91
  1240. Van Liempt, Kopfgeld. Bezahlte Denunziation von Juden in den besetzten Niederlanden
  1241. Gebauer, Als die Calwer Handelsherren Geld verliehen. Geschichte der Calwer Banken
  1242. Stapelbroek, The devaluation controversy in eighteenth-century Italy, History of Economic Ideas, № 13/2, с. 79
  1243. Strangio, Il sistema finanziario del debito pubblico pontificio tra età moderna e contemporanea, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 14, с. 7
  1244. Alvarez Nogal, Las compañias bancarias genovesas en Madrid a comienzos del siglo XVII, Hispania, № 65/1, с. 67
  1245. Benavides, Justice et argent, с. 281
  1246. Eiras Roel, Deuda y fiscalidad de la Corona de Castilla en la epoca de los Austrias: evolucion e historiografia, Obradoiro de Historia Moderna, № 14, с. 65
  1247. Gutnik, Evropeiskii Ekonomicheskii i valiutnyi soiuz: predvaritel'nye itogi I perspektiviy razvitiia, Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, № 5, с. 3
  1248. Cottrell, London and Paris, с. 153
  1249. Felice, Il reddito delle regioni italiane nel 1938 e nel 1951. una stima basata sul costo del lavoro, Riv. di Storia Economica, № 21/1, с. 3
  1250. Consoli, The dynamics of technological change in UK retail banking services: an evolutionary perspective, Research Policy, № 34/4, с. 461
  1251. Fenech, Govern(mentality) and accounting: the influence of different enlightenment discourses in two Spanish cases (1761–1777), Abacus, № 41/2, с. 181
  1252. Magnifico, L'euro: ragioni e lezioni di un successo sofferto
  1253. Shubik, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 117
  1254. Schulz, Untersuchungen zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Sparkassen im 19. Jh.
  1255. Llopis, Antes, bastante antes: la primera fase de la integracion del mercado Español de trigo, 1725–1808, Historia Agraria, № 36, с. 225
  1256. Godefroy, Justice et argent, с. 211
  1257. Barkai, Oscar Wassermann und die Deutsche Bank. Bankier in schwieriger Zeit
  1258. Martínez Guillén, The Bordazar memorandum: cost calculation in Spanish printing during the 18th century, Accounting Historians J., № 32/2, с. 81
  1259. Sanz Ayán, Presencia y fortuna de los hombres de negocios genoveses durante la crisis hispana de 1640, Hispania, № 65/1, с. 91
  1260. Haudeville, Peut-on travailler sur des données “approximées” en histoire financière?, Economies et sociétés, № 39/7, с. 1341
  1261. Villegas Ruiz, La aportación financiero-fiscal de Córdoba a la hacienda de Carlos I.
  1262. Wohlfeil, Währung, Wirtschaft, Arbeitsverträge, Lehrverträge, Dienstverträge, Preise, Kosten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte von Stadt und Region Málaga im 16. Jahrhundert. 2, Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas, № 42, с. 185
  1263. Sandberg, Vad kan vi lära av kraschen? Bank- och fastighetskrisen 1990–1993
  1264. Nazarova, Teoriia i praktika denezhnogo obrashcheniia i denezhnykh reform v Rossii (XVIII – pervaia polovina XIX v.), Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, № 5, с. 54
  1265. Chernik, Regulirovaniie dokhodov gorodskikh biudzhetov v Rossii v XIX stoletii, Finansy, № 6, с. 75
  1266. Backhouse, Misunderstanding the history of the business cycle, History of Political Economy, № 37/2, с. 179
  1267. Brötel, … Macht und Anteil an der Weltherrschaft’. Berlin und der deutsche Kolonialismus, с. 75
  1268. Carnevali, Europe's advantage: banks and small firms in Britain, France, Germany, and Italy since 1918
  1269. Clement, Les réseaux économiques dans le processus de construction européenne, с. 445
  1270. Feldman, German banks and national socialist efforts to supply capital and support industrialization in newly annexed territories: the Austrian model, Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschichte, № 50/1, с. 5
  1271. Evans, Editorial: accounting history in the German language area, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/3, с. 229
  1272. Aiken, An accounting history of capital maintenance: legal precedents for managerial autonomy in the United Kingdom, Accounting Historians J., № 32/1, с. 23
  1273. History of tax rates
  1274. Flandreau, London and Paris, с. 78
  1275. Auerbach, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 237
  1276. Hertner, Großmachtrivalität und -kooperation im Adriaraum. Italien, Österreich-Ungarn und das Projekt einer albanischen Staatsbank, 1913/14, Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, № 85, с. 272
  1277. Kostov, Dutch capital and the Balkan states (in the 19th and the early 20th century), Etudes Balkaniques, № 41/1, с. 37
  1278. Kreutzmüller, Händler und Handlungsgehilfen, Der Finanzplatz Amsterdam und die deutschen Großbanken (1918–1945)
  1279. Kupper, Twentieth century accounting research in the German language area, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/3, с. 345
  1280. Stabile, Forerunners of modern financial economics. A random walk in the history of economic thought
  1281. Petrov, Eisenbahnen und Motoren – Zucker und Schokolade. Deutsche im russischen Wirtschaftsleben vom 18. bis zum frühen 20. Jh., с. 167
  1282. Verdés I Pijuan, L'impôt des campagnes, с. 153
  1283. Reis, Los sistemas financieros de la periferia. Una comparacion entre Escandinavia y el sur de Europa durante el siglo XIX, Papeles de economía española, № 105–6, с. 109
  1284. Zilch, Neue Staaten – neue Bilder? Visuelle Kultur im Dienst staatlicher Selbstdarstellung in Zentral- und Osteuropa seit 1918, с. 99
  1285. Buyst, La Banque nationale de Belgique, du franc belge à l'euro: un siècle et demi d'histoire
  1286. LLoyd-Jones, Control, conflict and concession: corporate governance, accounting and accountability at Birmingham Small Arms, 1906–1933, Accounting Historians J., № 32/1, с. 149
  1287. Hallberg, Ivetofta sparbank 1905–2005
  1288. Järvi, Längelmäen Säästöpankki 1905–2005: 100 vuotta Längelmäen Säästöpankki
  1289. Dealey, New horizons: the story of Federated Investors
  1290. Hoare's: a very private bank, London: Constable.
  1291. Fiorentini, The international role of the euro and the relationship between EU and IMF, Politico, № 70/1, с. 35
  1292. Windolf, Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus. Analysen zum Wandel von Produktionsregimen
  1293. Spufford, From Antwerp to London: the decline of financial centres in Europe
  1294. Ashford, From James Mansfield to Ramsays, Bonars and Company: some notes on the story of a private bank, Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, № 6, с. 25
  1295. Cerrito, Principi e fondamenti di un paradigma storico della moneta e della stabilità finanziaria, Studi storici, № 46, с. 5
  1296. Barnes, Criminal conversations: Victorian crimes, social panic, and moral outrage, с. 55
  1297. Davie, Accounting's uses in exploitative human engineering: theorizing citizenship, indirect rule and Britain's imperial expansion, Accounting Historians J., № 32/2, с. 55
  1298. Dykes, The Sherborne bank tokens, British Numismatic J., № 75, с. 132
  1299. Ferguson, Yet more adventures with Britannia: personalities, politics, and culture in Britain, с. 133
  1300. Flynn, The duration of book credit in colonial New England, Historical Methods, № 38/4, с. 168
  1301. Birkett, Control of accounting education within Australian universities and technical colleges 1944–1951: a uni-dimensional consideration of professionalism, Accounting, Business and Financial History, № 15/2, с. 121
  1302. Phillips, Celebrating Irving Fisher, с. 125
  1303. Andermann, Gelungene Anpassung. Adelige Antworten auf gesellschaftliche Wandlungsvorgänge vom 14/16, Jh., с. 13
  1304. Hickson, The rise and decline of the Irish stock market, 1865–1913, European Rev. of Economic History, № 9/1, с. 3
  1305. Medina-Smith, La fuga de capitales en Venezuela, 1950–1999
  1306. Levene, Investment choices? County borough health expenditure in inter-war England and Wales, Urban History, № 32/3, с. 434
  1307. Papp, Quand le “bloc Chrétien” hongrois voulait ruiner le franc: l'affaire des faux billets (1925–1926), Gavroche, № 24/140, с. 1
  1308. Matthews, Cattle clubs, insurance and plague in the mid-nineteenth century, Agricultural History Rev., № 53/2, с. 192
  1309. Fausto, Lineamenti dell'evoluzione del debito pubblico in Italia (1861–1961)’, Seminario su Debito pubblico e formazione dei mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporanea, tenuto, a Cassino, il 15 e 16 ottobre 2004, Riv. di Storia Finanziaria, № 15, с. 77
  1310. Douglas, Bay Company to the American Revolution
  1311. Michie, London and Paris, с. 15
  1312. Cassis, London and Paris, с. 107
  1313. Buyst, The Bank, the franc and the euro: a history of the National Bank of Belgium
  1314. Harms, The origins of value, с. 343
  1315. Fantacci, La moneta: storia di un'istituzione mancata
  1316. Meyers, Caisse rurale Raiffeisenkasse Binsfeld: 1942 – 2004, Bihob: Bulletin vam Syndicat d'intérêts Benzelt-Holler-Breidelt, № 1, с. 4
  1317. Peeters, Belgian national income during the interwar period: reconstruction of the database
  1318. Seil, 100 Joer Esch: 1906 – 2006, с. 264
  1319. Aggius, Rev. de l'Agenais, № 132/2, с. 767

Публікації, які цитують цю публікацію

List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2007

Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Catherine Wright

Publications on financial history 2005 (22) · Publications on financial history 2005 (23)

2008, The Economic History Review, №4, с.949-995



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Publications on financial history 2007

Serge Noiret

Publications on financial history 2005 (24) · Publications on financial history 2005 (25)

2009, Financial History Review, №2, с.203-247



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Кількість цитувань 2
Кількість джерел у списку літератури: 1319
Видання індексується в Scopus Так
Видання індексується в Web of Science Так
Publications on financial history 2005 (2024)


What happened in financial markets in 2005? ›

In 2005, financial market conditions were once again supportive of growth, with long-term market interest rates low and credit spreads and risk premiums narrow.

What do you understand by financing? ›

What Is Financing? Financing is the process of providing funds for business activities, making purchases, or investing. Financial institutions, such as banks, are in the business of providing capital to businesses, consumers, and investors to help them achieve their goals.

What are the three interrelated areas of finance? ›

Financial Management, Money & Capital Markets, and Investments.

What is the concept of finance? ›

Finance, of financing, is the process of raising funds or capital for any kind of expenditure. It is the process of channeling various funds in the form of credit, loans, or invested capital to those economic entities that most need them or can put them to the most productive use.

What caused the 2005 recession? ›

The major causes of the initial subprime mortgage crisis and the following recession include lax lending standards contributing to the real-estate bubbles that have since burst; U.S. government housing policies; and limited regulation of non-depository financial institutions.

Was there a stock market crash in 2005? ›

The 2005 stock market crash was caused by a combination of factors, including rising interest rates, rising oil prices, and a housing bubble.

What are the 3 main decisions in finance? ›

When it comes to managing finances, there are three distinct aspects of decision-making or types of decisions that a company will take. These include an Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend Decision.

What are the four main areas of finance? ›

Finance is the management of money which includes investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving and forecasting. There are four main areas of finance: banks, institutions, public accounting and corporate.

What are the 3 major types of financial? ›

Finance can be divided broadly into three distinct categories: public finance, corporate finance, and personal finance. More recent subcategories of finance include social finance and behavioral finance. The history of finance and financial activities dates back to the dawn of civilization.

Who is the father of finance? ›

Eugene F. Fama, 2013 Nobel laureate in economic sciences, is widely recognized as the "father of modern finance." His research is well known in both the academic and investment communities.

What are the two main finance activities? ›

The Two Main Types of Finance

Corporate finance refers to managing finances for businesses or organizations, while personal finance involves managing your own individual financial matters. Corporate Finance involves making decisions about investments, budgeting, and raising capital to operate a business efficiently.

What is the difference between finance and financial? ›

Finance is the management of: money, credit, banking, and investments. While financial just means that it relates to finance! Example: Do you have enough money to finance your trip to France?

What was the stock market at in 2005? ›

Dow Jones - DJIA - 100 Year Historical Chart
Dow Jones Industrial Average - Historical Annual Data
YearAverage Closing PriceAnnual % Change
66 more rows

When was the 2000s financial crisis? ›

What stocks did well in 2005? ›

Flotek Industries (FTK) had the highest return in 2005 by a US stock, returning 999,007.1%.
Banco Bradesco SA ADR (BBD)2005312.46%
Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais CEMIG Pref ADR (CIG)2005274.28%
Flux Power (FLUX)2005266.92%
DXP Enterprises (DXPE)2005258.33%
21 more rows

What happened to the stock market in the 2000s? ›

The dot-com bubble burst in March 2000, with the technology heavy NASDAQ Composite index peaking at 5,048.62 on March 10 (5,132.52 intraday), more than double its value just a year before. By 2001, the bubble's deflation was running full speed.

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