London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (2025)

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Current ConditionsObserved at: London Int'l Airport

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London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (1)


  • °C
  • °F
Observed at:
London Int'l Airport
Mainly Sunny
101.7 kPa
Dew point:
NNE 10 km/h
24 km

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (2)


Mainly Sunny
101.7 kPa
Dew point:
NNE 10 km/h
24 km

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (3)

Mainly Sunny


  • °C
  • °F
NNE 10 km/h
More details
101.7 kPa
Dew point:
24 km
Observed at:
London Int'l Airport

Past 24 hour Conditions

Weather Radar




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ForecastForecast issued:

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Tue11 Jun

21°CMainly sunny


London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (5)


Mainly cloudy

12 Jun

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (6)




London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (7)



13 Jun

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (8)



Chance of showers


London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (9)



Chance of showers

15 Jun

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (12)




London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (13)



16 Jun

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (14)


A mix of sun and cloud


London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (15)



Chance of showers

17 Jun

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (16)



Chance of showers

Detailed ForecastForecast issued:

DateDetailed Forecast
TodayMainly sunny. High 21. UV index 7 or high.
TonightIncreasing cloudiness this evening. Low 11.
Wed, 12 JunClearing in the morning. Wind becoming south 20 km/h in the afternoon. High 26. Humidex 27. UV index 8 or very high.
NightClear. Low 17.
Thu, 13 JunA mix of sun and cloud with 40 percent chance of showers. High 28.
NightCloudy periods with 60 percent chance of showers. Low 16.
Fri, 14 JunA mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of showers. High 24.
NightClear. Low 12.
Sat, 15 JunSunny. High 24.
NightClear. Low 13.
Sun, 16 JunA mix of sun and cloud. High 29.
NightCloudy periods with 30 percent chance of showers. Low 20.
Mon, 17 JunA mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of showers. High 32.
NormalsMax25°C.Min13°C.Sunrise5:45 EDTSunset21:04 EDT

Detailed ForecastForecast issued:


Mainly sunny. High 21. UV index 7 or high.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (18)


Increasing cloudiness this evening. Low 11.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (19)

Wed, 12 Jun

Clearing in the morning. Wind becoming south 20 km/h in the afternoon. High 26. Humidex 27. UV index 8 or very high.
Night:Clear. Low 17.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (20)

Thu, 13 Jun

A mix of sun and cloud with 40 percent chance of showers. High 28.
Night:Cloudy periods with 60 percent chance of showers. Low 16.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (21)

Fri, 14 Jun

A mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of showers. High 24.
Night:Clear. Low 12.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (22)

Sat, 15 Jun

Sunny. High 24.
Night:Clear. Low 13.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (23)

Sun, 16 Jun

A mix of sun and cloud. High 29.
Night:Cloudy periods with 30 percent chance of showers. Low 20.

London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (24)

Mon, 17 Jun

A mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of showers. High 32.

5:45 EDT
21:04 EDT

Averages and extremes

11 Jun
Average high
  • 23.3°C
Average low
  • 11.6°C
Highest temperature (1941-2002)
  • 31.1°C
  • 1949
Lowest temperature (1941-2002)
  • -0.6°C
  • 1972
Greatest precipitation (1941-2002)
  • 82.8 mm
  • 2000
Greatest rainfall (1941-2002)
  • 82.8 mm
  • 2000
Greatest snowfall (1941-2002)
  • 0.0 cm
Most snow on the ground (1955-2002)
  • 0.0 cm
Monthly frequency of precipitation
  • 39%

Note that more recent Averages and Extremes information for this location may be available. Please visit the Historical Climate Data's Almanac Averages and Extremes page.

Yesterday's Data

  • Historical Weather




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Date modified:
London, ON - 7 Day Forecast (2025)


Is it rainy season in London now? ›

Unfortunately for locals, there isn't a designated rainy season in London. Instead, the city experiences moderate rainfall all year round. According to data from Weather Trends, October is statistically the wettest month of the year, with 21 days of rainfall on average.

What is the rainiest month in London? ›

The city sees rain throughout all four seasons, but the months with the most average amount of rainfall are November (66.63mm), October (65.07mm), and December (57.05mm), according to Met Office data.

What is the climate in London today? ›

Forecast for the next 48 hours

Mostly cloudy. Thunderstorms. Overcast. Rain.

What is the best site for London weather? ›

London (Greater London) weather - Met Office.

Is it safe to travel to London right now? ›

Exercise increased caution in the United Kingdom due to terrorism. Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in the United Kingdom.

What is the best month to go to London? ›

The summer months of May, June, July is the best time to visit London. When is London less crowded? London is less crowded during the shoulder season which comprises of Mid-September through November, March through April. Which time of the year can I get the budget deals in London?

What time is it in London just now? ›

Current Local Time in Locations in United Kingdom with Links for More Information (212 Locations)
Lisburn *Thu 11:07 am
Liverpool *Thu 11:07 am
London *Thu 11:07 am
Londonderry *Thu 11:07 am
199 more rows

What season is it in London right now? ›

The four seasons of the year in the United Kingdom —spring, summer, autumn, and winter—are what determine the weather, the ecosystem, and the hours of daylight throughout the year. The current season in the United Kingdom right now is Autumn.

How hot was it yesterday in London? ›

London Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
7:50 pm59 °F88%
7:20 pm59 °F88%
6:50 pm61 °F77%
27 more rows

What is the most visited site in London? ›

Figures from the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) showed there were 5,820,860 visits to the central London museum in 2023, a 42% increase on 2022. The museum put the rise in part down to its China's hidden century exhibition. The second most-visited attraction was London's Natural History Museum.

Which city has better weather London or Paris? ›

An end to the weather debate: it rains just as much in Paris as it does in London. Whether comparing wet days, rainfall, humidity, or temperature London and Paris are similar. The one noticeable difference between London and Paris is the amount of sunlight each city gets.

Which US city has similar weather to London? ›

The coastal city of San Francisco is renowned for its foggy skies and mild, temperate climate year-round - extremely reminiscent of the UK's weather patterns. Summer days here are often overcast, with chilly winds whipping off the Pacific Ocean, keeping high temperatures in the 60s.

Is it true that it rains a lot in London? ›

One fact of London weather that you do need to prepare for is rain, which seems to happen throughout the year. Although the average rainfall isn't actually that high (around 23 inches/58 centimeters a year), rain clouds do seem to descend on the city with great regularity—usually in the form of a drizzle.

Which month is rainy season in England? ›

Spring (March, April and May) is a time for sudden rain showers, blossoming trees and flowering plants. Summer (June, July and August) is the UK's warmest season, with long sunny days, occasional thunderstorms and, in some years, heatwaves. Autumn (September, October and November) can be mild and dry or wet and windy.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.