Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (2024)

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Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (4)

" + id + ""; var t1 = "" + id + ""; $("#displayRate").html(t); $("#displayRateInNumbar").html(t1); } function Meetcompany() { $find('ContentPlaceHolder1_MPEMeetCompany').show(); return false; } function validateMeetComp() { var comment = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtcomment').val(); if (comment == "") { alert("Please enter comment for meet copmany."); return false; } else { return true; } } function ContactUs(cont) { $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtSubject').val(''); $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtDescription').val(''); $find('ContentPlaceHolder1_MPEContactUs').show(); var contactID ='_')[3]; //ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_rptIRSection_ctl00_hdnEmailID //ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_rptIRSection_ctl00_hdnName //ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblContactName var contactus = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_rptIRSection_" + contactID + "_hdnEmailID").val(); var contactname = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_rptIRSection_" + contactID + "_hdnName").val(); $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblContactName').html(contactname); $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_hdnEmailID').val(contactus); $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_hdnContactName').val(contactname); return false; } function ValidateContactUs() { var subject = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtSubject').val(); getCommentMsg(); if (subject == "") { alert("Please enter subject for mail."); return false; } else { return true; } } function getCommentMsg() { if (document.getElementById('ContentPlaceHolder1_txtDescription') != null) { var msg = document.getElementById('ContentPlaceHolder1_txtDescription').value; msg = msg.replace(new RegExp("\\n", "g"), "
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Thank you !

You are now registered for the conference call of " + coName + " !

CALL ID: (" + hdEvent + ")
Unique PIN: (Available when you close this pop up / Also sent to your email id ).
(Please check your Spam folder in case you cant locate it.)

You will also get an SMS Alert and an email Alert with the CALL ID and PIN prior to the call at

Mobile number: " + mob + "
Email id: " + Email + "

Kindly enable Your Mobile Phone to receive SMS Alerts from RB.
To enable Please send ACCEPT RBYTES to 9870801717
To disable Please send CANCEL RBYTES to 9870801717

"; maintext = "

You are registered for the conference call of " + coName + " !

Telephone Number: " + Ccall + "

Participant id / Passcode: " + hdEvent + "

Your Unique Pin: " + ppinnn + "#

You will also get an SMS Alert and an email Alert with the CALL ID and PIN prior to the call at
Mobile number: " + mob + "
Email id: " + Email + "

Please note Your Mobile Phone needs to be enabled to receive the SMS Alerts.

"; document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').src = "images/btn_get_pin.png"; document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').setAttribute("onmouseover", "'For Express Login');"); } else if (str == "C") { //maintext = "Registration closes 10 mins prior to the call"; maintext = "Registration closed. Please refresh this page to get datails."; } else if (str == "P") { var ppinn; var pinn = document.getElementById(Eventid + '_pinhd').value; if (pin != "0") ppinn = pin; else ppinn = pinn; maintext = "

You are registered for the conference call of " + coName + " !

Telephone Number: " + Ccall + "

Participant id / Passcode: " + hdEvent + "

Your Unique Pin: " + ppinn + "#

You will also get an SMS Alert and an email Alert with the CALL ID and PIN prior to the call at
Mobile number: " + mob + "
Email id: " + Email + "

Please note Your Mobile Phone needs to be enabled to receive the SMS Alerts.

"; } var Heading = "

For Express Login

"; $("#Span1").html(Heading); $("#mainText").html(maintext); $("#content").html(content); $find('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ModalPopupExtenderRegEvent').show(); }, error: function (msg) { // alert(msg); } }); } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/WebService/RegisterConf.asmx/ConfRegisterApprove", data: "{'confID':" + id + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (msg) { //var data = eval("(" + msg.d.toString() + ")"); //var strValue = msg.toString().split(":"); //var str = strValue[1].replace("}", "").replace("\"", "").replace("\"", ""); var str = msg.d.toString(); var maintext = ""; var content = ""; if (str == 'A') { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/WebService/RegisterConf.asmx/GetPin", data: "{'confID':" + id + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (msg) { var tpin = msg.d.toString(); document.getElementById(Eventid + '_pinhd').value = tpin; }, error: function (msg) { // alert(msg); } }); // maintext = "

Thank you !

You are now registered for the conference call of " + coName + " !

CALL ID: (" + hdEvent + ")
Unique PIN: (Available when you close this pop up / Also sent to your email id ).
(Please check your Spam folder in case you cant locate it.)

You will also get an SMS Alert and an email Alert with the CALL ID and PIN prior to the call at

Mobile number: " + mob + "
Email id: " + Email + "

Kindly enable Your Mobile Phone to receive SMS Alerts from RB.
To enable Please send ACCEPT RBYTES to 9870801717
To disable Please send CANCEL RBYTES to 9870801717

"; maintext = "

Thank you for your interest for the conference call of " + coName + ".
The access details will be sent to you post the Organisors approval.

"; document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').src = "images/btn_get_pin.png"; document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').setAttribute("onmouseover", "'For Express Login');"); } else if (str == "C") { //maintext = "Registration closes 10 mins prior to the call"; maintext = "Registration closed. Please refresh this page to get datails."; } //else if (str == "P") { // var ppinn; // var pinn = document.getElementById(Eventid + '_pinhd').value; // if (pin != "0") // ppinn = pin; // else // ppinn = pinn; // maintext = "

You are registered for the conference call of " + coName + " !

Telephone Number: " + Ccall + "

Participant id / Passcode: " + hdEvent + "

Your Unique Pin: " + ppinn + "#

You will also get an SMS Alert and an email Alert with the CALL ID and PIN prior to the call at
Mobile number: " + mob + "
Email id: " + Email + "

Please note Your Mobile Phone needs to be enabled to receive the SMS Alerts.

"; //} else if (str == "P") { var ppinn; var pinn = document.getElementById(Eventid + '_pinhd').value; if (pin != "0") ppinn = pin; else ppinn = pinn; // maintext = " You are already registered for this call. The call details has been sent to you via email and SMS "; if (ppinn != "0") maintext = "

You are registered for the conference call of " + coName + " !

Telephone Number: " + Ccall + "

Participant id / Passcode: " + hdEvent + "

Your Unique Pin: " + ppinn + "#

You will also get an SMS Alert and an email Alert with the CALL ID and PIN prior to the call at
Mobile number: " + mob + "
Email id: " + Email + "

Please note Your Mobile Phone needs to be enabled to receive the SMS Alerts.

"; else if (ppinn == "0") maintext = "

Thank you !

send pin shortly in your Email P after approval" + coName + "

"; } else if (str == "PP") { //document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').src = "images/btn_get_pin.png"; //document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').setAttribute("onmouseover", "'For Express Login');"); //maintext = "

Thank you !

send pin shortly in your Email after approval on Pending " + coName + "

"; maintext = "

Thank you for your interest for the conference call of " + coName + ".
The access details will be sent to you post the Organisors approval.

"; } else if (str == "PPR") { maintext = "

Regret ! The Organisors have rejected your request for registration. The transcript of the call will be available for your reference at Researchbytes shortly after the call.

"; } var Heading = "

For Express Login

"; $("#Span1").html(Heading); $("#mainText").html(maintext); $("#content").html(content); $find('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ModalPopupExtenderRegEvent').show(); }, error: function (msg) { // alert(msg); } }); } } function RegistreConfWeb(id, Email, mob, coName, hdEvent, Eventid) { // var hdnRegistreConf = document.getElementById('hdnRegistreConf'); // hdnRegistreConf.value = id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/WebService/Webinar.asmx/ConfRegister", data: "{'confID':" + id + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (msg) { var str = msg.d.toString(); var maintext = ""; var content = ""; if (str == 'A') { maintext = "

You have successfully registered for the Webinar.

A confirmation email has been sent to you alongwith the unique link. This link should not be shared with others.

"; document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').src = "images/register_icondone.png"; document.getElementById(Eventid + '_btnRegister').setAttribute("onmouseover", "'Already Registered');"); } else if (str == "C") { maintext = "Registration closes 10 mins prior to the call"; } else if (str == "P") { maintext = "

You are already registered for the Webinar.

A confirmation email has been sent to you alongwith the unique link. This link should not be shared with others.

"; } var Heading = "

Conference Call Registration

"; $("#Span1").html(Heading); $("#mainText").html(maintext); $("#content").html(content); $find('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ModalPopupExtenderRegEvent').show(); }, error: function (msg) { // alert(msg); } }); } function clearRegEventBox() { $find('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ModalPopupExtenderRegEvent').hide(); } function mypopup(url) { var link = ''; if (url.indexOf("http") !== -1) { if (!url.startsWith('http')) { link = 'http://' + url; } else { link = url; } mywindow =, "mywindow", "location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1, width=600,height=500,top=300"); } }

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd.

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (7)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (8)

Report DateResearch houseDescriptionRecoAt PriceTarget PriceUpSide
10-Feb-24 SMIFS HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd | Q3FY24 Result Update | Unlock.. BUY 367 451 22.9 Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (9)
11-Nov-23 SMIFS HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd | Q2FY24 Result Update | Unlock.. BUY 375 440 17.33 Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (10)
11-Aug-23 SMIFS HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd | Q1FY24 Result Update | Operat.. BUY 330 382 15.76 Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (11)
27-May-23 SMIFS HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd | Q4FY23 Result Update | Margin.. BUY 293 389 32.8 Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (12)
13-Feb-23 SMIFS HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd | Q3FY23 Result Update | Growth.. BUY 281 361 28.5 Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (13)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (14)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (15) 30-May-24

Management Interview - Dr. BS Ajaikumar,Chairman & CEO - Occupancy Will Increase To 70% In FY25, ARPOB Will See A Growth Of 8-10%: HealthCare Global ( updated on May 30 2024) Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (16)


Conference Transcript (Voice) ( updated on May 30 2024)


Result - Results ( updated on May 30 2024)


Investor/Analyst Presentation ( updated on May 30 2024)


Press Release ( updated on May 30 2024)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (17)
Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (18)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (19)

  • Non Executive Director
  • Ind. Non-Executive Director
  • Additional Director

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (21)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (22)


March 2024 Resu..

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (23)

Dec 2023 Result..


Sept 2023 Resul..


June 2023 Resul..


March 2023 Resu..

30-May-24 Dr. BS Ajaikuma.. Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (24)
19-Feb-24 Dr. BS Ajaikuma.. Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (25)
09-Feb-24 Dr. BS Ajaikuma.. Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (26)
10-Nov-23 Dr. BS Ajaikuma.. Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (27)
09-Oct-23 Dr. BS Ajaikuma.. Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (28)

30-May-24 Investor/Anal...
09-Feb-24 Investor/Anal...
10-Nov-23 Investor/Anal...
11-Aug-23 Investor/Anal...
26-May-23 Investor/Anal...

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (34)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (35)


SMIFS - Quarter..

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (36)

SMIFS - Quarter..

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (37)

SMIFS - Quarter..

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (38)

SMIFS - Quarter..

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (39)

SMIFS - Quarter..

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (40)

23-Nov-21 HCG acquires majority ..
16-Dec-19 HCG to divest fertilit..
23-Aug-17 Healthcare Global to s..
17-Mar-16 HealthCare Global''s R..

30-May-24 Results
09-Feb-24 Results
10-Nov-23 Results
11-Aug-23 Results
09-Feb-23 Results

20-Aug-20 - Quarterly Results

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (41)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (42)

No Current Announcements.

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (43)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (44)

30-May-24 Press Release
09-Feb-24 Press Release
10-Nov-23 Press Release
11-Aug-23 Press Release
26-May-23 Press Release

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (45)

Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd. - RB Company Profile (2024)
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Article information

Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Last Updated:

Views: 6249

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.